fbpx Biennale Cinema 2022 | I N I T I U M ⁄⁄⁄ イニシャル
La Biennale di Venezia

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I N I T I U M ⁄⁄⁄ イニシャル

Venice Immersive
World Design/3D Models | Textures | Rendering | Story and World Development :Artsy Glitch (@GlitchArtsy), VRChat Prefabs
Join Notification System :M.O.O.N. (@MOONVRCHAT)
UDON Toggle Scripts :Rio Grande (Rio Grande#4873), Shaders
Poiyomi Toon Shader :Poiyomi (@poiyomi)
Quest Water | Parallax Shader | Filamented | Crispy Foliage:Silent (@Silent0264)


INITIUM is an environmental storytelling device explaining a story surrounding the birth and death of life across different incarnations of the universe. This scene depicts the mysterious discovery of one of the seven seedlings rumored to have been left behind by the legendary “Tree of Knowledge” and its role in activating an event that ultimately floods the planet in a torrent of Tsunamis.)


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Biennale Cinema