fbpx Biennale Arte 2019 | Gabriel Rico
La Biennale di Venezia

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Gabriel Rico

1980, Mexico

  • Arsenale
    TUE - SUN
    10 AM - 6 PM

    10 AM - 8 PM

    TUE - SUN
    10 AM - 6 PM
  • Central Pavilion / Arsenale
  • Admission with ticket

As a collector of discarded cultural objects, a self-proclaimed ontologist, a trained architect and researcher of human experience with an affinity for animals, Gabriel Rico could be said to have “hungry eyes”. His questioning, exploring, and collecting leads to a post-Surrealist / Arte povera approach that mines a range of materials, from taxidermy and natural objects to neon shapes and other remnants of manmade items. This results in thought-provoking sculptures that address the relationship between environment, architecture, and the future ruins of civilisation. In all of Rico’s work, the beauty of the story is located in the details. The components reflect the challenges facing a specific location –Mexico– and simultaneously resonate with our shared global concerns. Rico considers the fragility of space, both formally and philosophically, presenting the precarious moment that is now.

Central Pavilion / Arsenale

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Biennale Arte
Biennale Arte