fbpx Biennale Teatro 2020 | Alessio Maria Romano - Bye Bye
La Biennale di Venezia

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Alessio Maria Romano - Bye Bye

World premiere:2020, 90’
Directing and choreography:Alessio Maria Romano
Creation and performance by:Ornella Balestra, Filippo Porro, Andrea Rizzo, Valerie Tameu, Isacco Venturini
Drama:Linda Dalisi and AMR
Light design:Matteo Crespi
Music design:Riccardo Di Gianni
Costumes:Giada Masi and Salvatore Piccione
Assistant creator:Riccardo Micheletti
Organization:Eleonora Cotungo
Production:Lac Lugano Arte e Cultura
Co-production with:Torinodanza festival, Teatro Stabile di Torino – Teatro Nazionale
Note:Nudity on stage


In a place-non-place, a group of users ‘move and dance’ their bodies in a cyclical action system. An obsessive musical chairs of ‘physical actions’ in which UNDO (a function present in most modern software enabling users to undo what they have just done, generally on a document, to return to an earlier state) performs the specific and subtle task of turning back, cancelling, eliminating traces and details and then, perhaps, recovering them.

What remains after things have been undone? What leads us to undo something and how is what is left to be interpreted? Who decides to use it and when? Who is ‘undo’? What is the borderline separating the censorship body from the censorship notion today? Who is cancelling me out? Who and what is missing? Find the censor.

A show seeks out. An invitation to look, find, choose, finish. Perhaps.

Alessio Maria Romano

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Biennale Teatro
Biennale Teatro