fbpx Biennale Cinema 2022 | Classici fuori Mostra - Coogan’s Bluff
La Biennale di Venezia

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Classici fuori Mostra - Coogan’s Bluff

by Don Siegel
with Clint Eastwood, Susan Clark, Don Stroud, Tisha Sterling, Betty Field, Lee J. Cobb
USA, 1968
Restored by Universal Pictures
Introduction by Adriano De Grandis


Screening in original language with subtitles in Italian.

Ticket prices:
Full price € 6 / Concessions € 3
Subscriptions € 30
Tickets on sale at the Cinema Rossini
Info: www.culturavenezia.it/cinema

Read more about Classici fuori Mostra


Coogan's Bluff is a retelling of one of the oldest American themes: the unspoiled country boy comes to the big city and tests his frontier values against the corruption of civilization. This time the hero is a strong, silent deputy sheriff from Arizona, dispatched to New York City to extradite a killer. He runs afoul of big-city criminals and gets tangled up in laws which say an Arizona deputy can't act like a New York cop -- not in New York, anyway. […] Don Siegel, who directed, is thoroughly at home in this sort of movie. He encourages Eastwood's laconic, slit-eyed hostility, plays up Lee J. Cobb's frustrated humanism, and has a lot of fun with a motorcycle chase up and down the steps and around the sidewalks of a park. Hollywood used to produce these hard-action cop movies with relative ease, but recently the private eye and cop stuff has been bungled by unsure hands […]. Siegel knows what he wants and gets it”. (Roger Ebert)

Cinema Rossini

Salizada de la Chiesa o del Teatro
San Marco 3997/A
30124 Venice
Tel. +39 041 2417274

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