“The desire to be normal transforms Marcello Clerici into a killer for the Fascist regime. He goes to Paris to kill a former professor now in exile. On 25 July 25 1943 he makes a terrible discovery. This is the most inventive and freely critical of the films adapted from Moravia, displaying a figuratively refined elegance and a transfixing stylistic invention, though with some complacency. Sex and Fascism are the two opposite poles”. (Morando Morandini)
“The Conformist was not only a remarkable intellectual and aesthetic achievement, but one of the most influential films of the first half of the decade (…). Martin Scorsese found this union of thematic complexity and visual utopia to be a true revelation, a film that was both seductive and repelling at the same time. The idea that the surface of a film, its form, could express the fascination of brutality and self-destruction, for example, is key in Taxi Driver”. (Mark Cousins)