Tuesday October 4th, h 5.30pm > 7.30pm
Perhaps to question the human-male-centric view of the world and to imagine a more livable future requires an examination of liminal concepts such as the queer and the eerie. This conversation will discuss life and death matterings, the category of thingness, animacy and animation of the non-human, and dehumanization and death of the human through the politics of queerness and the eerie, race, sexuality, and gender.
Speakers include Mel Y. Chen, Associate Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies at U.C. Berkeley and Director of the Center for the Study of Sexual Culture; P. Staff, Sidsel Meineche Hansen, Diego Marcon, and Precious Okoyomon, participating artists at the 59th International Art Exhibition.
Conversation moderated by Mel Y. Chen.
Audience Q&A.
The meetings are open to the public with free admission, the reservation is required at the following link https://labiennale.vivaticket.it/it/tour/la-biennale-di-venezia-meetings-on-arts/3046.
Admission to the Biennale Arte 2022 is not included.
The meetings will be translated live from English to Italian on the streaming channel of the Biennale di Venezia and recordings will be available at www.labiennale.org/en.