fbpx Biennale Arte 2024 | Lithuania
La Biennale di Venezia

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Commissioner: Arūnas Gelūnas
Curators: Valentinas Klimašauskas, João Laia
Artists: Pakui Hardware, Marija Teresė Rožanskaitė
Venue: Chiesa di Sant'Antonin, Castello 3477


This project brings together the distinct experiences of artists belonging to two generations and explores the inflammation of (post)human bodies under today’s economic and social conditions. Marija Teresė Rožanskaitė’s paintings and a sculptural installation by Pakui Hardware (with assistance from the architectural duo Išora x Lozuraitytė) are connected by themes of medicine and hospitals, as well as natural, cosmic, and industrial landscapes.
The fused aluminium and glass sculptures by Pakui Hardware resemble enlarged nervous systems and swollen organs. They were moulded on scorched earth (the aluminium elements) and shaped in sweltering heat (the glass elements). In the paintings by Rožanskaitė, unnamed diseases, sterile operating theatres and medical consultation rooms, visceral-themed assemblages, and machine-like objects irradiate a chronic inflammation of the cosmic flesh.
Accordingly, in this delirious post- landscape, it is difficult to distinguish between what is attributed to nature and what is considered a human creation. Objects referring to human bodily systems in a state of inflammation, architecture, a post-natural landscape of plastic soil, light, and other technologies merge into a unified hybrid techno-organism.

Venezia, Castello 3477
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Biennale Arte
Biennale Arte