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La Biennale di Venezia

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16th International Kids’ Carnival

Programme for the public and families

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La Biennale di Venezia

Tel. +39 041 5218828

Saturday 22 February

3:00 pm

“Generative talents

Between the Rooms of Latency and the Non-Places of Pedagogical Generativity.
Installation “The flowers of Generativity in the walks of thought” – immersive multisensory exploration walking across the “Forest and Universe of Pedagogical Generativity”.

Suitable for all ages (6 years and up).
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Let youself be captured by the flourishing of your thoughts and the discovery of the language hidden between the petals of your imagination and the infinite beauty of the stars! 
As Heidegger says, “language is petals that blossom from Koto”, a unique expression that becomes manifest in the unrepeatable moment. “KOTO BA Paths” is an opportunity to give form to desires and aspirations. The installation offers an engaging all-around experience, that brings together schools and families, building Thinking Communities in the stimulating journey towards critical thinking and telling one’s own story. Let your own KOTO BA blossom in an experience that invites you to think, grow and imagine new futures…new horizons! 

Conceived by Emiliana Mannese, Full Professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Salerno and Chair Holder of the UNESCO Chair “Generative Pedagogy and Educational Systems to Tackle Inequality”. The project is based on the principles of the paradigm of Generative Pedagogy and the World-System theorised by Mannese, and applies the Methodological Protocol of Generative Orientation and Organisational Systems – O.Ge.S.O. developed by the Research Team of the Observatory of Educational Processes and Regional Analysis and the UNESCO Chair, which works to promote the self-realisation of life projects that respect the uniqueness of each person, inspiring a fully inclusive, intercultural, equal and fair educational culture.

We would like to thank:

Hubble Space Telescope

European Space Agency ESA – Euclid space telescope

NASA – Hubble Space Telescope

Iodisea – Il Mondo delle Odissee – James-Webb Telescope

for providing images and videos that have contributed significantly to the construction of the pedagogical and educational research project “KOTO BA Paths” and the installation “The flowers of Generativity in the paths of thought”. Their beauty and profundity make it possible to weave together science, imagination and pedagogy to create a heuristic-educational experience that can make thoughts, languages and aspirations blossom, illuminating the infinite potential of the Human and the Living.


3:00 pm

For children ages 4 to 6 years old.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

A unique immersive experience, in which the children become the protagonists of an orchestra of sounds, colours and art. Using creative and colourful instruments such as bells, boomwhackers, soundbellows, percussions, musical lights and many others, each colour comes to life as sound, and each sound is transformed into emotion. The instruments become paintbrushes on the pentagram of the imagination, composing a collective harmony filled with meaning and magic. Symphony of Colours goes beyond music: it merges visual art into a multisensorial journey. The children will explore palettes of colours transforming them into melodies to play and interpret through their imagination.
Biennale Educational in collaboration with Il Violino Colorato


3:00 pm

For children ages 6 to 8 years old.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

A journey inspired by Marco Polo’s travels and by the artwork Memory of Hope by Kazakh artist Gulnur Mukazhanova. In this journey the children will meet, imagine and create the figure of Long, the traditional Asian dragon-snake which Gulnur Mukazhanova used as inspiration to give form to her installation. We will discover more about the nomadic populations that lived in the steppes of Kazakhstan and will explore the characteristics of the materials used in the artwork, and curious facts about the animals that Marco Polo came across, and finally imagining, composing and decorating the Dragon Long. 
Biennale Educational

Workshop organised as part of the Special Project of the Historical Archive of La Biennale The Wind Makes the Sky. La Biennale di Venezia on the traces of Marco Polo, which follows Marco Polo’s travels to celebrate the 700th anniversary of his death.


3:00 pm

For children ages 6 to 11 years old.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Palazzo Vecchio, the city's government palace, stands in the heart of Florence, with its marvelous painted rooms: among these we find the Room of the Four Elements, celebrating Air, Earth, Water and Fire as the basic elements of the cosmos. 
Thanks to a fantastic story that addresses cosmology and whose protagonist is one of the most fascinating figures of 16th-century Florence, participants will be involved in a journey aimed at inspiring both curiosity about the past and reflection on the contemporary world, discovering wonders which emerge from the intertwining of nature and genius. At the end of the activity, the kids will create a mask inspired by their favourite element to celebrate Carnival. 
Curated by MUS.E - Florence


4:30 pm 

“Generative talents

Between the Rooms of Latency and the Non-Places of Pedagogical Generativity.
Installation “The flowers of Generativity in the walks of thought” – immersive multisensory exploration walking across the “Forest and Universe of Pedagogical Generativity”.

Suitable for all ages (6 years and up).
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Let youself be captured by the flourishing of your thoughts and the discovery of the language hidden between the petals of your imagination and the infinite beauty of the stars! 
As Heidegger says, “language is petals that blossom from Koto”, a unique expression that becomes manifest in the unrepeatable moment. “KOTO BA Paths” is an opportunity to give form to desires and aspirations. The installation offers an engaging all-around experience, that brings together schools and families, building Thinking Communities in the stimulating journey towards critical thinking and telling one’s own story. Let your own KOTO BA blossom in an experience that invites you to think, grow and imagine new futures…new horizons! 

Conceived by Emiliana Mannese, Full Professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Salerno and Chair Holder of the UNESCO Chair “Generative Pedagogy and Educational Systems to Tackle Inequality”. The project is based on the principles of the paradigm of Generative Pedagogy and the World-System theorised by Mannese, and applies the Methodological Protocol of Generative Orientation and Organisational Systems – O.Ge.S.O. developed by the Research Team of the Observatory of Educational Processes and Regional Analysis and the UNESCO Chair, which works to promote the self-realisation of life projects that respect the uniqueness of each person, inspiring a fully inclusive, intercultural, equal and fair educational culture.

We would like to thank:

Hubble Space Telescope

European Space Agency ESA – Euclid space telescope

NASA – Hubble Space Telescope

Iodisea – Il Mondo delle Odissee – James-Webb Telescope

for providing images and videos that have contributed significantly to the construction of the pedagogical and educational research project “KOTO BA Paths” and the installation “The flowers of Generativity in the paths of thought”. Their beauty and profundity make it possible to weave together science, imagination and pedagogy to create a heuristic-educational experience that can make thoughts, languages and aspirations blossom, illuminating the infinite potential of the Human and the Living.


4:30 pm

For children ages 4 to 6 years old.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

A unique immersive experience, in which the children become the protagonists of an orchestra of sounds, colours and art. Using creative and colourful instruments such as bells, boomwhackers, soundbellows, percussions, musical lights and many others, each colour comes to life as sound, and each sound is transformed into emotion. The instruments become paintbrushes on the pentagram of the imagination, composing a collective harmony filled with meaning and magic. Symphony of Colours goes beyond music: it merges visual art into a multisensorial journey. The children will explore palettes of colours transforming them into melodies to play and interpret through their imagination.
Biennale Educational in collaboration with Il Violino Colorato


4:30 pm 

For kids ages 8 to 12 years.

A journey in stages along the path of Memory of Hope, the memory of a road that has influenced the course of human history for thousands of years. A journey inspired by the travels of Marco Polo and the artwork installed in Sala delle Colonne at Ca’ Giustinian, created by the Kazakh artist Gulnur Mukazhanova. The children will become explorers, and will note in their sketchbooks the various stages of this journey, each of which will feature creative activities to complete along the way.
Biennale Educational.

Workshop organised as part of the Special Project of the Historical Archive of La Biennale The Wind Makes the Sky. La Biennale di Venezia on the traces of Marco Polo, which follows Marco Polo’s travels to celebrate the 700th anniversary of his death.


4:30 pm 

For children ages 6 to 11 years old.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Palazzo Vecchio, the city's government palace, stands in the heart of Florence, with its marvelous painted rooms: among these we find the Room of the Four Elements, celebrating Air, Earth, Water and Fire as the basic elements of the cosmos. 
Thanks to a fantastic story that addresses cosmology and whose protagonist is one of the most fascinating figures of 16th-century Florence, participants will be involved in a journey aimed at inspiring both curiosity about the past and reflection on the contemporary world, discovering wonders which emerge from the intertwining of nature and genius. At the end of the activity, the kids will create a mask inspired by their favourite element to celebrate Carnival. 
Curated by MUS.E - Florence


4:30 pm 

For children ages 4 to 7 years.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

The experience of the journey, not only as moving from one country to another, but as a personal and collective experience. To make a journey between reality and imagination, a journey in which the children will build their own personal history made of different layers.
Biennale Educational.


5:00 pm 

For all ages.

A guided tour of the exhibition titled Gulnur Mukazhanova. Memory of Hope, curated by Luigia Lonardelli, on display in Sala delle Colonne at Ca’ Giustinian, the institutional headquarters of La Biennale di Venezia.
The visit introduces the experience of the special installation created by the Kazakh artist Gulnur Mukazhanova in the monumental space of Sala delle Colonne, on the first floor of Palazzo Ca’ Giustinian. The installation, made of colourful fabrics, is part of the special project of the Historical Archive of the Contemporary Arts, titled The Wind Makes the Sky. La Biennale di Venezia on the traces of Marco Polo.
The visit includes an introduction to the themes of the exhibition, an illustration of the project on display and how it is contextualised within the wider project by the Biennale Archive dedicated to the figure of Marco Polo.
Biennale Educational

Sunday 23 February

3:00 pm

“Generative talents

Between the Rooms of Latency and the Non-Places of Pedagogical Generativity.
Installation “The flowers of Generativity in the walks of thought” – immersive multisensory exploration walking across the “Forest and Universe of Pedagogical Generativity”.

Suitable for all ages (6 years and up).
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Let youself be captured by the flourishing of your thoughts and the discovery of the language hidden between the petals of your imagination and the infinite beauty of the stars! 
As Heidegger says, “language is petals that blossom from Koto”, a unique expression that becomes manifest in the unrepeatable moment. “KOTO BA Paths” is an opportunity to give form to desires and aspirations. The installation offers an engaging all-around experience, that brings together schools and families, building Thinking Communities in the stimulating journey towards critical thinking and telling one’s own story. Let your own KOTO BA blossom in an experience that invites you to think, grow and imagine new futures…new horizons! 

Conceived by Emiliana Mannese, Full Professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Salerno and Chair Holder of the UNESCO Chair “Generative Pedagogy and Educational Systems to Tackle Inequality”. The project is based on the principles of the paradigm of Generative Pedagogy and the World-System theorised by Mannese, and applies the Methodological Protocol of Generative Orientation and Organisational Systems – O.Ge.S.O. developed by the Research Team of the Observatory of Educational Processes and Regional Analysis and the UNESCO Chair, which works to promote the self-realisation of life projects that respect the uniqueness of each person, inspiring a fully inclusive, intercultural, equal and fair educational culture.

We would like to thank:

Hubble Space Telescope

European Space Agency ESA – Euclid space telescope

NASA – Hubble Space Telescope

Iodisea – Il Mondo delle Odissee – James-Webb Telescope

for providing images and videos that have contributed significantly to the construction of the pedagogical and educational research project “KOTO BA Paths” and the installation “The flowers of Generativity in the paths of thought”. Their beauty and profundity make it possible to weave together science, imagination and pedagogy to create a heuristic-educational experience that can make thoughts, languages and aspirations blossom, illuminating the infinite potential of the Human and the Living.


3:00 pm

For children ages 4 to 6 years old.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

A unique immersive experience, in which the children become the protagonists of an orchestra of sounds, colours and art. Using creative and colourful instruments such as bells, boomwhackers, soundbellows, percussions, musical lights and many others, each colour comes to life as sound, and each sound is transformed into emotion. The instruments become paintbrushes on the pentagram of the imagination, composing a collective harmony filled with meaning and magic. Symphony of Colours goes beyond music: it merges visual art into a multisensorial journey. The children will explore palettes of colours transforming them into melodies to play and interpret through their imagination.
Biennale Educational in collaboration with Il Violino Colorato


3:00 pm 

For kids ages 8 to 12 years.

A journey in stages along the path of Memory of Hope, the memory of a road that has influenced the course of human history for thousands of years. A journey inspired by the travels of Marco Polo and the artwork installed in Sala delle Colonne at Ca’ Giustinian, created by the Kazakh artist Gulnur Mukazhanova. The children will become explorers, and will note in their sketchbooks the various stages of this journey, each of which will feature creative activities to complete along the way.
Biennale Educational.

Workshop organised as part of the Special Project of the Historical Archive of La Biennale The Wind Makes the Sky. La Biennale di Venezia on the traces of Marco Polo, which follows Marco Polo’s travels to celebrate the 700th anniversary of his death.


3:00 pm 

For children ages 4 to 7 years.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

The experience of the journey, not only as moving from one country to another, but as a personal and collective experience. To make a journey between reality and imagination, a journey in which the children will build their own personal history made of different layers.
Biennale Educational.


3:30 pm 

Workshop inspired by the works of American illustrator Audrey Helen.

For kids ages 6 to 11 years old. 
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

During the workshop, the kids will make a unique and playful book-object in which heads, bodies and feet will be matched in surprising combinations. This combination game will make it possible to draw and illustrate a colourful parade of fantastic characters, letting their imagination and creativity run free.

By Elodie Brondoni in collaboration with the Fondazione Štěpán Zavřel.


4:30 pm

For children ages 6 to 8 years old.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

A journey inspired by Marco Polo’s travels and by the artwork Memory of Hope by Kazakh artist Gulnur Mukazhanova. In this journey the children will meet, imagine and create the figure of Long, the traditional Asian dragon-snake which Gulnur Mukazhanova used as inspiration to give form to her installation. We will discover more about the nomadic populations that lived in the steppes of Kazakhstan and will explore the characteristics of the materials used in the artwork, and curious facts about the animals that Marco Polo came across, and finally imagining, composing and decorating the Dragon Long. 
Biennale Educational

Workshop organised as part of the Special Project of the Historical Archive of La Biennale The Wind Makes the Sky. La Biennale di Venezia on the traces of Marco Polo, which follows Marco Polo’s travels to celebrate the 700th anniversary of his death.


4:30 pm

For children ages 4 to 6 years old.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

A unique immersive experience, in which the children become the protagonists of an orchestra of sounds, colours and art. Using creative and colourful instruments such as bells, boomwhackers, soundbellows, percussions, musical lights and many others, each colour comes to life as sound, and each sound is transformed into emotion. The instruments become paintbrushes on the pentagram of the imagination, composing a collective harmony filled with meaning and magic. Symphony of Colours goes beyond music: it merges visual art into a multisensorial journey. The children will explore palettes of colours transforming them into melodies to play and interpret through their imagination.
Biennale Educational in collaboration with Il Violino Colorato


4:30 pm


“Generative talents

Between the Rooms of Latency and the Non-Places of Pedagogical Generativity.
Installation “The flowers of Generativity in the walks of thought” – immersive multisensory exploration walking across the “Forest and Universe of Pedagogical Generativity”.

Suitable for all ages (6 years and up).
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Let youself be captured by the flourishing of your thoughts and the discovery of the language hidden between the petals of your imagination and the infinite beauty of the stars! 
As Heidegger says, “language is petals that blossom from Koto”, a unique expression that becomes manifest in the unrepeatable moment. “KOTO BA Paths” is an opportunity to give form to desires and aspirations. The installation offers an engaging all-around experience, that brings together schools and families, building Thinking Communities in the stimulating journey towards critical thinking and telling one’s own story. Let your own KOTO BA blossom in an experience that invites you to think, grow and imagine new futures…new horizons! 

Conceived by Emiliana Mannese, Full Professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Salerno and Chair Holder of the UNESCO Chair “Generative Pedagogy and Educational Systems to Tackle Inequality”. The project is based on the principles of the paradigm of Generative Pedagogy and the World-System theorised by Mannese, and applies the Methodological Protocol of Generative Orientation and Organisational Systems – O.Ge.S.O. developed by the Research Team of the Observatory of Educational Processes and Regional Analysis and the UNESCO Chair, which works to promote the self-realisation of life projects that respect the uniqueness of each person, inspiring a fully inclusive, intercultural, equal and fair educational culture.

We would like to thank:

Hubble Space Telescope

European Space Agency ESA – Euclid space telescope

NASA – Hubble Space Telescope

Iodisea – Il Mondo delle Odissee – James-Webb Telescope

for providing images and videos that have contributed significantly to the construction of the pedagogical and educational research project “KOTO BA Paths” and the installation “The flowers of Generativity in the paths of thought”. Their beauty and profundity make it possible to weave together science, imagination and pedagogy to create a heuristic-educational experience that can make thoughts, languages and aspirations blossom, illuminating the infinite potential of the Human and the Living.


5:00 pm 

For all ages.

A guided tour of the exhibition titled Gulnur Mukazhanova. Memory of Hope, curated by Luigia Lonardelli, on display in Sala delle Colonne at Ca’ Giustinian, the institutional headquarters of La Biennale di Venezia.
The visit introduces the experience of the special installation created by the Kazakh artist Gulnur Mukazhanova in the monumental space of Sala delle Colonne, on the first floor of Palazzo Ca’ Giustinian. The installation, made of colourful fabrics, is part of the special project of the Historical Archive of the Contemporary Arts, titled The Wind Makes the Sky. La Biennale di Venezia on the traces of Marco Polo.
The visit includes an introduction to the themes of the exhibition, an illustration of the project on display and how it is contextualised within the wider project by the Biennale Archive dedicated to the figure of Marco Polo.
Biennale Educational.

Wednesday 26 February 

4:00 pm 
(followed by a workshop)

Initiative for adults, participants are limited. 

A guided tour of the exhibition titled Gulnur Mukazhanova: Memory of Hope, curated by Luigia Lonardelli, on display in Sala delle Colonne at Ca’ Giustinian, the institutional headquarters of La Biennale di Venezia. The visit introduces the experience of the special installation created by the Kazakh artist Gulnur Mukazhanova in the monumental space of Sala delle Colonne, on the first floor of Palazzo Ca’ Giustinian. The installation, made with colourful fabrics, is part of the special project of the Historical Archive of the Contemporary Arts, titled The Wind Makes the Sky. La Biennale di Venezia on the traces of Marco Polo.


to be followed by:


The artist Gulnur Mukazhanova will hold a workshop that will offer the opportunity to participate actively in the creation of a collective project to felt wool. Felting, one of the most ancient fabric-making techniques, is a fundamental aspect of her artistic practice. The process that leads to its production is a meditative exercise in which the artist constantly seeks to delve into the deepest meaning of this technique, typical of the nomadic tradition, exploring the roots of her ancestors and the cultural values, rituals and identities of Central Asia.

Guided tour led by Biennale Educational. Workshop led by Gulnur Mukazhanova.

Thursday 27 February

4:00 pm 
(followed by a workshop)

Initiative for adults and children ages 6 to 10 years, participants are limited

A guided tour of the exhibition titled Gulnur Mukazhanova: Memory of Hope, curated by Luigia Lonardelli, on display in Sala delle Colonne at Ca’ Giustinian, the institutional headquarters of La Biennale di Venezia. The visit introduces the experience of the special installation created by the Kazakh artist Gulnur Mukazhanova in the monumental space of Sala delle Colonne, on the first floor of Palazzo Ca’ Giustinian. The installation, made with colourful fabrics, is part of the special project of the Historical Archive of the Contemporary Arts, titled The Wind Makes the Sky. La Biennale di Venezia on the traces of Marco Polo.

to be followed by (for children only):


The artist Gulnur Mukazhanova will hold a workshop that will offer the opportunity to participate actively in the creation of a collective project to felt wool. Felting, one of the most ancient fabric-making techniques, is a fundamental aspect of her artistic practice. The process that leads to its production is a meditative exercise in which the artist constantly seeks to delve into the deepest meaning of this technique, typical of the nomadic tradition, exploring the roots of her ancestors and the cultural values, rituals and identities of Central Asia.

Guided tour led by Biennale Educational. Workshop led by Gulnur Mukazhanova.

Friday 28 February

4:00 pm 
(followed by a workshop)

Initiative for adults and children ages 6 to 10 years, participants are limited

A guided tour of the exhibition titled Gulnur Mukazhanova: Memory of Hope, curated by Luigia Lonardelli, on display in Sala delle Colonne at Ca’ Giustinian, the institutional headquarters of La Biennale di Venezia. The visit introduces the experience of the special installation created by the Kazakh artist Gulnur Mukazhanova in the monumental space of Sala delle Colonne, on the first floor of Palazzo Ca’ Giustinian. The installation, made with colourful fabrics, is part of the special project of the Historical Archive of the Contemporary Arts, titled The Wind Makes the Sky. La Biennale di Venezia on the traces of Marco Polo.

to be followed by (for children only):


The artist Gulnur Mukazhanova will hold a workshop that will offer the opportunity to participate actively in the creation of a collective project to felt wool. Felting, one of the most ancient fabric-making techniques, is a fundamental aspect of her artistic practice. The process that leads to its production is a meditative exercise in which the artist constantly seeks to delve into the deepest meaning of this technique, typical of the nomadic tradition, exploring the roots of her ancestors and the cultural values, rituals and identities of Central Asia.

Guided tour led by Biennale Educational. Workshop led by Gulnur Mukazhanova.

Saturday 1st March

3:00 pm

“Generative talents

Between the Rooms of Latency and the Non-Places of Pedagogical Generativity.
Installation “The flowers of Generativity in the walks of thought” – immersive multisensory exploration walking across the “Forest and Universe of Pedagogical Generativity”.

Suitable for all ages (6 years and up).
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Let youself be captured by the flourishing of your thoughts and the discovery of the language hidden between the petals of your imagination and the infinite beauty of the stars! 
As Heidegger says, “language is petals that blossom from Koto”, a unique expression that becomes manifest in the unrepeatable moment. “KOTO BA Paths” is an opportunity to give form to desires and aspirations. The installation offers an engaging all-around experience, that brings together schools and families, building Thinking Communities in the stimulating journey towards critical thinking and telling one’s own story. Let your own KOTO BA blossom in an experience that invites you to think, grow and imagine new futures…new horizons! 

Conceived by Emiliana Mannese, Full Professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Salerno and Chair Holder of the UNESCO Chair “Generative Pedagogy and Educational Systems to Tackle Inequality”. The project is based on the principles of the paradigm of Generative Pedagogy and the World-System theorised by Mannese, and applies the Methodological Protocol of Generative Orientation and Organisational Systems – O.Ge.S.O. developed by the Research Team of the Observatory of Educational Processes and Regional Analysis and the UNESCO Chair, which works to promote the self-realisation of life projects that respect the uniqueness of each person, inspiring a fully inclusive, intercultural, equal and fair educational culture.

We would like to thank:

Hubble Space Telescope

European Space Agency ESA – Euclid space telescope

NASA – Hubble Space Telescope

Iodisea – Il Mondo delle Odissee – James-Webb Telescope

for providing images and videos that have contributed significantly to the construction of the pedagogical and educational research project “KOTO BA Paths” and the installation “The flowers of Generativity in the paths of thought”. Their beauty and profundity make it possible to weave together science, imagination and pedagogy to create a heuristic-educational experience that can make thoughts, languages and aspirations blossom, illuminating the infinite potential of the Human and the Living.


3:00 pm

For children ages 4 to 6 years old.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

A unique immersive experience, in which the children become the protagonists of an orchestra of sounds, colours and art. Using creative and colourful instruments such as bells, boomwhackers, soundbellows, percussions, musical lights and many others, each colour comes to life as sound, and each sound is transformed into emotion. The instruments become paintbrushes on the pentagram of the imagination, composing a collective harmony filled with meaning and magic. Symphony of Colours goes beyond music: it merges visual art into a multisensorial journey. The children will explore palettes of colours transforming them into melodies to play and interpret through their imagination.
Biennale Educational in collaboration with Il Violino Colorato


3:00 pm

For kids ages 8 to 12.

A workshop on the role of languages and communication. During the activity, various types of communication will be analysed, such as writing, drawing, storytelling, together with others such as typewriting, communicative symbols and symbols that evoke other places or objects. Children and preteens will select their own channel for self-expression: sign language, pictorial communication systems such as CAA or raised tactile reading and writing systems such as Braille, to express their thoughts and words.
Biennale Educational.


4:30 pm

For kids ages 6 to 10. 

Do you want to turn into a blue crab, a sea walnut, a veined rapa whelk or an imaginary sea creature? As a joyful aesthetic act, as well as a critical ecological one, we will transform our bodies into fluorescent invasive creatures.
The local ecosystems of the city and lagoon of Venice are constantly changing because of invasive species (animal, vegetable, human). We will concentrate on the aquatic life of the lagoon, where exotic species have travelled across the oceans from all over the world in the ballast tanks of mega cruise ships.
Because Venetian school children definitely do not belong to the invasive species of Venice, during our workshop they will be able to try and switch roles, play with changes of perception, with self-empowerment or simply invent the flow of the underwater world.

With Nikola van der Werf and Anika Gründer. 
Initiative organised by STUDIOGRÜNDERKIRFEL in collaboration with the Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani.


4:30 pm

For children ages 4 to 7 years.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

The experience of the journey, not only as moving from one country to another, but as a personal and collective experience. To make a journey between reality and imagination, a journey in which the children will build their own personal history made of different layers.
Biennale Educational.


4:30 pm

For children ages 4 to 6 years old.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

A unique immersive experience, in which the children become the protagonists of an orchestra of sounds, colours and art. Using creative and colourful instruments such as bells, boomwhackers, soundbellows, percussions, musical lights and many others, each colour comes to life as sound, and each sound is transformed into emotion. The instruments become paintbrushes on the pentagram of the imagination, composing a collective harmony filled with meaning and magic. Symphony of Colours goes beyond music: it merges visual art into a multisensorial journey. The children will explore palettes of colours transforming them into melodies to play and interpret through their imagination.
Biennale Educational in collaboration with Il Violino Colorato


4:30 pm

“Generative talents

Between the Rooms of Latency and the Non-Places of Pedagogical Generativity.
Installation “The flowers of Generativity in the walks of thought” – immersive multisensory exploration walking across the “Forest and Universe of Pedagogical Generativity”.

Suitable for all ages (6 years and up).
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Let youself be captured by the flourishing of your thoughts and the discovery of the language hidden between the petals of your imagination and the infinite beauty of the stars! 
As Heidegger says, “language is petals that blossom from Koto”, a unique expression that becomes manifest in the unrepeatable moment. “KOTO BA Paths” is an opportunity to give form to desires and aspirations. The installation offers an engaging all-around experience, that brings together schools and families, building Thinking Communities in the stimulating journey towards critical thinking and telling one’s own story. Let your own KOTO BA blossom in an experience that invites you to think, grow and imagine new futures…new horizons! 

Conceived by Emiliana Mannese, Full Professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Salerno and Chair Holder of the UNESCO Chair “Generative Pedagogy and Educational Systems to Tackle Inequality”. The project is based on the principles of the paradigm of Generative Pedagogy and the World-System theorised by Mannese, and applies the Methodological Protocol of Generative Orientation and Organisational Systems – O.Ge.S.O. developed by the Research Team of the Observatory of Educational Processes and Regional Analysis and the UNESCO Chair, which works to promote the self-realisation of life projects that respect the uniqueness of each person, inspiring a fully inclusive, intercultural, equal and fair educational culture.

We would like to thank:

Hubble Space Telescope

European Space Agency ESA – Euclid space telescope

NASA – Hubble Space Telescope

Iodisea – Il Mondo delle Odissee – James-Webb Telescope

for providing images and videos that have contributed significantly to the construction of the pedagogical and educational research project “KOTO BA Paths” and the installation “The flowers of Generativity in the paths of thought”. Their beauty and profundity make it possible to weave together science, imagination and pedagogy to create a heuristic-educational experience that can make thoughts, languages and aspirations blossom, illuminating the infinite potential of the Human and the Living.

Sunday 2nd March

3:00 pm

“Generative talents

Between the Rooms of Latency and the Non-Places of Pedagogical Generativity.
Installation “The flowers of Generativity in the walks of thought” – immersive multisensory exploration walking across the “Forest and Universe of Pedagogical Generativity”.

Suitable for all ages (6 years and up).
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Let youself be captured by the flourishing of your thoughts and the discovery of the language hidden between the petals of your imagination and the infinite beauty of the stars! 
As Heidegger says, “language is petals that blossom from Koto”, a unique expression that becomes manifest in the unrepeatable moment. “KOTO BA Paths” is an opportunity to give form to desires and aspirations. The installation offers an engaging all-around experience, that brings together schools and families, building Thinking Communities in the stimulating journey towards critical thinking and telling one’s own story. Let your own KOTO BA blossom in an experience that invites you to think, grow and imagine new futures…new horizons! 

Conceived by Emiliana Mannese, Full Professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Salerno and Chair Holder of the UNESCO Chair “Generative Pedagogy and Educational Systems to Tackle Inequality”. The project is based on the principles of the paradigm of Generative Pedagogy and the World-System theorised by Mannese, and applies the Methodological Protocol of Generative Orientation and Organisational Systems – O.Ge.S.O. developed by the Research Team of the Observatory of Educational Processes and Regional Analysis and the UNESCO Chair, which works to promote the self-realisation of life projects that respect the uniqueness of each person, inspiring a fully inclusive, intercultural, equal and fair educational culture.

We would like to thank:

Hubble Space Telescope

European Space Agency ESA – Euclid space telescope

NASA – Hubble Space Telescope

Iodisea – Il Mondo delle Odissee – James-Webb Telescope

for providing images and videos that have contributed significantly to the construction of the pedagogical and educational research project “KOTO BA Paths” and the installation “The flowers of Generativity in the paths of thought”. Their beauty and profundity make it possible to weave together science, imagination and pedagogy to create a heuristic-educational experience that can make thoughts, languages and aspirations blossom, illuminating the infinite potential of the Human and the Living.


3:00 pm

For children ages 5 to 8 years.

Have you ever turned into a tree? Or a letter of the alphabet? During the workshop, through the ancient discipline of yoga, we will discover the importance of the breath to remain in balance and become more agile, and turn ourselves into whatever our imagination might suggest. With games, music and the magic of Carnival, together we will sail towards the islands of emotions!
We recommend wearing comfortable clothes and socks.
Biennale Educational.


3:00 pm

For kids ages 8 to 12.

A workshop on the role of languages and communication. During the activity, various types of communication will be analysed, such as writing, drawing, storytelling, together with others such as typewriting, communicative symbols and symbols that evoke other places or objects. Children and preteens will select their own channel for self-expression: sign language, pictorial communication systems such as CAA or raised tactile reading and writing systems such as Braille, to express their thoughts and words.
Biennale Educational.


3:00 pm

For kids ages 6 to 10. 

Do you want to turn into a blue crab, a sea walnut, a veined rapa whelk or an imaginary sea creature? As a joyful aesthetic act, as well as a critical ecological one, we will transform our bodies into fluorescent invasive creatures.
The local ecosystems of the city and lagoon of Venice are constantly changing because of invasive species (animal, vegetable, human). We will concentrate on the aquatic life of the lagoon, where exotic species have travelled across the oceans from all over the world in the ballast tanks of mega cruise ships.
Because Venetian school children definitely do not belong to the invasive species of Venice, during our workshop they will be able to try and switch roles, play with changes of perception, with self-empowerment or simply invent the flow of the underwater world.

With Nikola van der Werf and Anika Gründer. 
Initiative organised by STUDIOGRÜNDERKIRFEL in collaboration with the Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani.


4:30 pm 

For children ages 4 to 7 years.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

The experience of the journey, not only as moving from one country to another, but as a personal and collective experience. To make a journey between reality and imagination, a journey in which the children will build their own personal history made of different layers.
Biennale Educational.


4:30 pm 

For kids ages 9 to 12 years.

During the workshop, through the ancient displine of yoga, we will explore new boundaries and forms, discovering our body and our emotions. With games, music and a dash of imagination, we will learn the importanc of breathing to keep our balance and become more agile and concentrated, while having fun together!
We recommend wearing comfortable clothes and socks.
Biennale Educational.


4:30 pm 

“Generative talents

Between the Rooms of Latency and the Non-Places of Pedagogical Generativity.
Installation “The flowers of Generativity in the walks of thought” – immersive multisensory exploration walking across the “Forest and Universe of Pedagogical Generativity”.

Suitable for all ages (6 years and up).
Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Let youself be captured by the flourishing of your thoughts and the discovery of the language hidden between the petals of your imagination and the infinite beauty of the stars! 
As Heidegger says, “language is petals that blossom from Koto”, a unique expression that becomes manifest in the unrepeatable moment. “KOTO BA Paths” is an opportunity to give form to desires and aspirations. The installation offers an engaging all-around experience, that brings together schools and families, building Thinking Communities in the stimulating journey towards critical thinking and telling one’s own story. Let your own KOTO BA blossom in an experience that invites you to think, grow and imagine new futures…new horizons! 

Conceived by Emiliana Mannese, Full Professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Salerno and Chair Holder of the UNESCO Chair “Generative Pedagogy and Educational Systems to Tackle Inequality”. The project is based on the principles of the paradigm of Generative Pedagogy and the World-System theorised by Mannese, and applies the Methodological Protocol of Generative Orientation and Organisational Systems – O.Ge.S.O. developed by the Research Team of the Observatory of Educational Processes and Regional Analysis and the UNESCO Chair, which works to promote the self-realisation of life projects that respect the uniqueness of each person, inspiring a fully inclusive, intercultural, equal and fair educational culture.

We would like to thank:

Hubble Space Telescope

European Space Agency ESA – Euclid space telescope

NASA – Hubble Space Telescope

Iodisea – Il Mondo delle Odissee – James-Webb Telescope

for providing images and videos that have contributed significantly to the construction of the pedagogical and educational research project “KOTO BA Paths” and the installation “The flowers of Generativity in the paths of thought”. Their beauty and profundity make it possible to weave together science, imagination and pedagogy to create a heuristic-educational experience that can make thoughts, languages and aspirations blossom, illuminating the infinite potential of the Human and the Living.


This edition of the International Kids Carnival is enriched by the presence of the Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026, which will continue at La Biennale's 2026 Carnival. The 2025 edition will present the educational toolkit "Parità in campo. Lo sport oltre ogni stereotipo” (Equality on the sport field. Sports beyond all stereotypes), created as part of the Education Programme Gen26 and Human Rights of Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 with Terre des Hommes Italia Onlus.
The common goal is to raise awareness among young people on the issues of gender equality, bullying and disability, starting from sports, cultural and creative contexts. The toolkit includes a training phase for operators, and it may be used in the activities with kids.