Cyprus, France / 13’
language Greek, Chinese
cast Chryssa Platsatoura, Yannis Stankoglou, Audrey Giacomini, Takis Spyridakis
screenplay Myrsini Aristidou
cinematographer Federico Martin Cesca
editors Alexandre Donot, Myrsini Aristidou
production designer Michalis Samiotis
costume designer Elena Vaphea
music Leonardo Heiblum
sound Vangelis Zelkas, Clément Badin, Xavier Thieulain
Myrsini Aristidou - Aria

Athens, today. Seventeen-year-old Aria, who is working at Jimmy’s local kebab place is waiting for a driving lesson with her father. When he finally arrives, it is not to go for a drive; on the contrary, he confides in her the care of a young Chinese immigrant who speaks neither Greek nor English.
Director’s Statement
A film, for me, is a collection of moments, which fall into place to create a whole. Sounds, looks, movements, the colors of Athens today tell the story of Aria, Lu and Petros. Image by image, I await the moment that I merge with them through their journey, just as they merge into mine—together accepting that our freedom exists in merely an instant.