Italy / 18’
language Sardinian, Italian, Nigerian
cast Francesco Vesta, Rachel Akinbi, Mojo Kuti, Susanna Mantega, Roberto Pilato
screenplay Salvatore Mereu, Rossana Patricelli
cinematographer Sandro Chessa
editor Davide Dal Padullo
production designer Andrea Serra
costume designer Chiara Fadda
sound Daniele De Angelis
Salvatore Mereu - Futuro Prossimo

During the day Rachel and Mojo wander the city, looking for a job without success. At night they take shelter in one of the cabins at a seaside resort. Till one morning...
Director’s Statement
In the life of a cinema workshop, the search for ideas is a daily challenge. Looking at the world in a Zavattini-way is always the obvious path if you want to give voice to a feeling. That’s how Futuro Prossimo was born: examining those young lives stagnating in the reception centres and that spill into the city while waiting for someone to write a future for them.