Director: | Laurynas Bareisa |
Production: | afterschool production (Klementina Remeikatė) |
Running Time: | 92’ |
Language: | Lithuanian |
Country: | Lithuania |
Year: | 2021 |
Main Cast: | Gabija Bargailaite, Giedrius Kiela, Paulius Markevičius, Indrė Patkauskaitė, Jolanta Dapkūnaitė, Ieva Andrejevaitė |
Screenplay: | Laurynas Bareiša |
Cinematographer: | Narvydas Naujalis |
Editor: | Laurynas Bareiša |
Production Designer: | Sigita Šimkūnaitė |
Costume Designer: | Arūnė Daukantaite |
Sound: | Julius Grigelionis |
Piligrimai (Pilgrims)

Indre and Paulius haven’t kept in touch lately; but as his foot is in a cast, she agrees to drive him out to a small town near the airport, where his brother and her boyfriend died. That evening they survey the air terminal where Matas arrived on a late flight. They go into a restaurant to ask for Ieva, who no longer works there. Paulius retraces Matas’ steps through the restaurant to a table where he and Vytenis got into an argument. Next morning an old lady shows them around a big family house for sale but refuses to follow them into the cellar, where they try to line up how the forensic photos on Paulius’ phone were taken. As they emerge, the old lady’s grandson, Jurgis, recognizes them. She kicks them out; but not before Paulius breaks the wing mirror off her car. Martynas arrives to sell a silver grey Audi. Paulius agrees to buy it only after he finds out what it is like to be locked in the trunk, as his brother had been. When they find Ieva working in a furniture store, Paulius demands to know why she did not call the police. The police arrive to arrest him for damaging the old lady’s car. Ieva tells Indre she witnessed what seemed to be only a typical bar fight.
Director’s Statement
My wife and I are both filmmakers. One of our pastimes is to go walking in forests outside Vilnius and collect notes about interesting locations for future projects. A small road we came upon one day four years ago recalled the newspaper report of a car that had been burned with a girl in the trunk. I had followed the story closely and made a short film about it. Even as I knew we were not on the actual scene of the crime, tears came to my eyes as I imagined what it would be like for someone close to the victim to be standing in the exact spot where the tragedy took place. My wife couldn’t understand why I was upset, but I decided to build a story around that feeling.
PRODUCTION 1: Klementina Remeikaite - Afterschool Production
Lvovo 11-25
09313 – Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel. +370 61418571
WORLD SALES: Anna Krupnova – REASON8 Films
19-21 Crawford St, No. 482
W1H 1PJ – London, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 7914621232
PRESS OFFICE: Lucius Barre
45 West 67th Street Apt. 8E
10023 – New York, United States of America
Tel. +1 917 3532268