fbpx Biennale Cinema 2022 | Mandala. A Brief Moment in Time
La Biennale di Venezia

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Mandala. A Brief Moment in Time

Venice Immersive
Thomas Villepoux
Sandman Studio (Eddie Lou, Eason Chow, Ivy Huang) Digital Rise (François Klein)
Running Time:
China, France
Main Cast:
Elliot Delage, Thomas Alden
Thomas Villepoux, Ivy Huang
G4F Prod,Charles-Cédric Hubert
Simon Nardou, Dorian Pfister, Tristan Pradens
Art directors:Eason Chow, Hongzhou Guo, Zhenija Yu
Lead developers:Zhang Meng, Haichen Zhang, Xu Liu
Developers:Bingbing Wang, Zhuolin Li
Lead designers:Eason Chow, Liu He
Designers:Thomas Villepoux, Eason Chow
Artists:Gery Wang, Yiyuan Sun, Metalcat Studio
Project manager:Bingbing Wang


Forget about past lives! This magical temple is known for giving you a glimpse of what your future incarnation will be like. Six persons, connected together through the metaverse, enter an ancient Buddhist temple. Each of your avatars bears a color you use to bring back some life to the ruined temple. Unknowingly, you are drawing together, drawing a mandala of light, a unique and ephemeral combination of your movements and choices. The mandala rekindles the magic of the temple, and brings to life a very mischievous monkey, both a prankster and a wise philosopher. He will take you along the path of his very own buddhist philosophy, bringing you to open- up, reflect on your present life and ultimately put your courage to the test.

Director’s Statement

Mandala is a spiritual journey into chinese mythology. It combines the pleasure of a collaborative creation with the immersion in the realm of fantasy creatures. Its unique format, a very intimate 6-persons interactive experience with a live performer, allows for a combination of story-telling tools, social situations and cues, personal dilemmas and moral conundrums, to craft a very special journey for each participant. Every show is unique, a brief moment in time spent with strangers, with virtual friends, just passing by.



PRODUCTION 1: Eddie Lou, Eason Chow, Ivy Huang – SANDMAN STUDIO
308 Qi Lin Kong Jian, NO.176 Taipingzhuang, Gaobeidian
100123 – Beijing, China
Tel. +86 18510160089

PRODUCTION 2: François Klein – Digital Rise
11 rue de Lourmel
75015 – Paris, France
Tel. +33 770369810

WORLD SALES: François Klein – Digital Rise
11 rue de Lourmel
75015 – Paris, France
Tel. +33 770369810

PRESS OFFICE: François Klein – Digital Rise
11 rue de Lourmel
75015 – Paris, France
Tel. +33 770369810

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