fbpx Biennale Cinema 2023 | Lubo
La Biennale di Venezia

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Venezia 80 Competition
Giorgio Diritti
Indiana Production (Fabrizio Donvito, Benedetto Habib, Daniel Campos Pavoncelli, Marco Cohen), Aranciafilm (Giorgio Diritti, Francesca Scorzoni), Rai Cinema (Paolo del Brocco), hugofilm features (Christof Neracher), Proxima Milano (Claudio Falconi, Alberto Fusco, Andrea Masera)
Running Time:
Italian, Swiss German, Jenisch
Italy, Switzerland
Main Cast:
Franz Rogowski, Christophe Sermet, Valentina Bellè, Noemi Besedes, Cecilia Steiner, Joel Basman
Giorgio Diritti, Fredo Valla
Benjamin Maier
Paolo Cottignola with Giorgio Diritti
Production Designer:
Giancarlo Basili
Costume Designer:
Ursula Patzak
Marco Biscarini
Patrick Becker
Visual Effects:
Claudio Falconi
From the novel:Il seminatore by Mario Cavatore


Lubo is a nomad, a busker who in 1939 is called up to the Swiss army to defend the country’s borders against the risk of a German invasion. Shortly afterward he finds out that his wife has died in the attempt to stop the gendarmes from taking away their three small children, who, as Yenisch, have been removed from their family as part of the national program of reeducation for “children of the road” (Hilfswerk für die Kinder der Landstrasse). Lubo knows that he will never have peace until he gets his children back and gets justice for his story and that of all outsiders like himself.

Director's Statement

Reading Mario Cavatore’s novel Il seminatore revealed to me the little-known story of something that went on in Switzerland for a period of fifty years, leading me to reflect on the sense of justice, on institutions, on what it means to bring up children and love them. Out of this came the film Lubo, in which the unfolding of events shows how senseless principles and discriminatory laws engender an evil that spreads like wildfire over time, penetrating into people’s lives and altering their course and their values, generating suffering, anger, violence, ambiguity... but also a love for life and for one’s children that is determined to overcome everything and bring justice.


PRODUCTION 1: Fabrizio Donvito, Benedetto Habib, Marco Cohen, Daniel Campos Pavoncelli – Indiana Production
Via De Amicis, 53
20123 – Milano, Italia
Tel. +39 0286894470

PRODUCTION 2: Giorgio Diritti, Francesca Scorzoni – Aranciafilm
Via Castiglione, 6/2
40124 – Bologna, Italia
Tel. +39 0516569657

PRODUCTION 3: Paolo Del Brocco – Rai Cinema
Piazza Adriana, 12
00193 – Roma, Italia
Tel. +39 0633179601

PRODUCTION 4: Christof Neracher – Hugofilm Features
Zypressenstrasse 76 CH
8004 – Zurigo, Switzerland
Tel. +41 442404077

OTHER COPRODUCTIONS: Claudio Falconi Alberto, Fusco Andrea Masera - Proxima Milano
Via XX Settembre, 24
20123 – Milano
Tel. +39 0229060904

WORLD SALES: Gaetano Maiorino - True Colours Glorious Films Srl
Largo Italo Gemini, 1
00161 – Roma, Italia
Tel. +39 0637352334

ITALIAN DISTRIBUTION: Luigi Lonigro – 01 Distribution
Piazza Adriana, 12
00193 – Roma, Italia
Tel. +39 0633179601

PRESS OFFICE: Gordon Spragg, Laurin Dietrich, Michael Arnon - WOLF Consultants
Tel. +49 178 547 0179

ITALIAN PRESS OFFICE: Giulia Santaroni - Fosforo Press
Via Nicolò Piccolomini, 1
00165 – Roma, Italia
Tel. +39 0683795464

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