fbpx Biennale Danza 2018 | Mette Ingvartsen - to come (extended)
La Biennale di Venezia

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Mette Ingvartsen - to come (extended)

Italian premiere (2017, 60’)

concept and choreography Mette Ingvartsen
performers Johanna Chemnitz, Katja Dreyer, Bruno Freire, Bambam Frost, Ghyslaine Gau, Elias Girod, Gemma Higginbotham, Dolores Hulan, Jacob Ingram-Dodd, Anni Koskinen, Olivier Muller, Calixto Neto, Danny Neyman, Norbert Pape, Hagar Tenenbaum
replacements Alberto Franceschini, Maia Maens, Manon Santkin
light design Jens Sethzman
musical arrangements Adrien Gentizon
set Mette Ingvartsen & Jens Sethzman
blue suits Jennifer Defays
dramaturgy Tom Engels
technical director Hans Meijer
sound technician Adrien Gentizon
assistant production Manon Haase 
company management Kerstin Schroth
production Mette Ingvartsen / Great Investment
coproduction Volksbühne (Berlin), steirischer herbst festival (Graz), NEXT festival / Kunstencentrum BUDA (Kortrijk), Festival d’Automne (Paris), Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou (Paris), Dansehallerne (Copenhagen), CCN2 – Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble, Dansens Hus (Oslo), SPRING Performing Arts Festival (Utrecht), NEXT festival / le phénix scène nationale Valenciennes pole européen de création
funded by The Flemish Authorities & The Danish Arts Council


The performance may show nudity.


The bodies of the performers take their positions, recombine, reconnect in a continuous plastic flow. The mechanisms of pervasively media-driven desire are revealed in the parodic expressions of orgiastic sexual encounters, for a society forced into a continuous consumption of pornophiliac situations. Tacitly, fifteen de-personalized performers dressed in turquoise bodysuits experience the obsession and show the excitement, in slow motion or at breakneck speed. The partouze is followed by the euphoria of a colourful social dance with a relentless dynamic, in a spiral of pulsating rhythm and Eros.

Tese dei Soppalchi

30122 VENICE
TEL. +39 0415218711

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Biennale Danza
Biennale Danza