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La Biennale di Venezia

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La Ribot - Another Distinguée

Italian premiere (2016, 80’)

Choreography and direction:La Ribot
Performers:La Ribot, Juan Loriente, Thami Manekehla
Installation:La Ribot
Construction of the installation:Marie Prédour, Victor Roy
Lighting design:Eric Wurtz
Technical direction:Marie Prédour
Technician:Guillame de Fontaine
Costumes:La Ribot
Production of costumes:Laurence Durieux, Marion Schmidt, Julie Z
Outside eye:Jaime Conde Salazar
Music:AtomTM, Alvaro de Cárdenas feat. Fernando Palacios
Co-production:Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne; CND, Paris; Latitudes contemporaines, Lille; Teatros del Canal, Madrid
With the collaboration of:la Comédie de Genève
With the support of:Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung; Ernst Göhner Foundation
La Ribot is supported by:Ville de Genève; République et canton de Genève; Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council
La Ribot-Genève Team 2020:direction La Ribot; executive producer Paz Santa Cecilia; production and administration Sara Cenzual and Gonzague Bochud
Note:5th series of Piezas distinguidas
Photo:Grégory Batardon
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Teatro alle Tese

30122 VENICE
TEL. +39 0415218711

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Biennale Danza
Biennale Danza