fbpx Biennale Musica 2024 | Bahar Royaee / Michael Pisaro-Liu / Jaeduk Kim
La Biennale di Venezia

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Bahar Royaee / Michael Pisaro-Liu / Jaeduk Kim

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Bahar Royaee:Tombstone (2017, 13’) for viola - Italian premiere
Michael Pisaro-Liu:mind is moving (V) (1996, 20’) for viola - Italian premiere
Jaeduk Kim:Microcosmic Space - Unveiling Hidden Soundscapes (2024, 30’) for amplified viola - world premiere (Biennale College Musica - Composers)
Viola:Hannah Levinson

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Ca’ Giustinian

30124 VENICE
TEL. +39 0415218711

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