Søs Gunver Ryberg: | Live (60’) |
Pan Daijing: | Live (60’) |
Roel Funcken: | Live (60’) |
Light design: | Theresa Baumgartner |
In collaboration with: | CTM Festival Berlin |
Thanks to: | Fondazione Forte Marghera, APS Live Arts Cultures ETS |
SØS Gunver Ryberg / Pan Daijing / Roel Funcken

In today’s relentless pace and digital saturation, this concert is an invitation to immerse yourself in an experience of sensory-stimulating music which is intended to be a profound act of resistance and renewal. As we face the uncertainties of the future, this experience reminds us of the importance of presence and awakening our senses through music. How will music shape our collective future? Through the evocative power of sound and rhythm, I seek to inspire creativity and resilience. I’m interested in transforming the listener, opening up your consciousness. Listening is not a passive act; it is a gateway to heightened consciousness and attunement. In a world dominated by digital distractions, the act of listening with intentionality becomes a revolution- ary act – a means of reclaiming our sensuous being and cultivating a deeper connection.
SØS Gunver Ryberg
Blending fragments from her previous opera compositions, Pan Daijing’s presentation channels the voice and operatic techniques, creating a sense of infinity that dissolves the distinction between beginning and end through continuous layering. Using analogue synthesisers, field recordings, machine-based compositional techniques, and vocal material from her ensemble of opera singers, Daijing explores the fragility and vulnerability inherent in the human voice, as well as how operatic techniques might express the extremes of human ability and the human psyche. Daijing’s practice is a constantly evolving creative process that merges performers, audience, and environment into one porous entity. Emerging off the improvisatory and raw performative nature of Daijing’s works, the listening piece sharpens musical perception and expand imaginative responses to storytelling. Daijing’s work challenges boundaries between forms, artist and audience, exhibition and performance, object and experience—allowing music to distort how time affects the tale.
Taïca Replansky
His ambient textures maintain a cinematic quality throughout, while his percussive arrangements retain a constantly mutating framework, always reconstructing its rhythm and structure, contradicting complex configurations and minimal design. It's always a pleasure to taste the latest treat from this aural engineer, and find the latest gem in his never-ending arsenal of sound.