Anti-Covid 19 Measures / Green Pass at the 78th Venice Film Festival
The purpose is guaranteeing the safety of all accredited visitors and audiences.
Anti Covid-19 measures /
Green Pass
In collaboration with the competent authorities, La Biennale di Venezia has developed the Anti-Covid 19 / Green Pass measures summarised below, which will be implemented for the 78th Venice International Film Festival (1 – 11 September 2021), with the purpose of guaranteeing the safety of all accredited visitors and audiences at the Venice Film Festival.
Measures for accredited visitors
Mandatory Green Pass
To collect the accreditation pass and gain admission to the Venice Film Festival premises and the theatres on the Lido and in Venice, visitors must have and show to anyone responsible for verification, a Green Pass or equivalent certification, as proof of one of the following cases: complete vaccination with vaccines approved by the EMA (Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson&Johnson), administration of the first dose which will be valid starting on the fifteenth day after the dose and until the administration of the second dose (in the case of vaccines requiring two doses), a certificate of complete recovery from Covid-19, or a negative result from a PCR or rapid antigen test taken within 48 hours before the visit.
At the Venice Film Festival premises, there are mobile units where rapid antigenic Covid tests may be taken.
During the process to collect the accreditation pass and verify the Green Pass, accredited visitors will be asked to show a valid document of identity. If the above conditions are not met, La Biennale will refuse admission to the Venice Film Festival and no refunds will be allowed.
All accredited visitors are asked to please carry with them at all times a copy of their Green Pass certification.
Collecting the accreditation pass and the Green Pass incorporated within
The Green Pass certification will be digitally incorporated into the accreditation pass when it is collected at the desk. Thus with every admission into a theatre, the Green Pass will be verified by directly scanning the accreditation pass itself.
Mandatory reservations
Reservation of a seat in the theatre is mandatory and may be made on the Boxol platform. Attendees must sit in their assigned seats.
Should the accredited visitor require a Covid test, he/she may reserve one on the same platform. All tests are free of charge for accredited visitors.
Information on reserving seats in theatres for accredited visitors
Below is a summary of some of the essential information on reservations and admission to the screening theatres for accredited professionals at the 78th Venice International Film Festival (1 – 11 September 2021):
for admission to the screenings, if you have not previously registered on the same portal in past editions or used the simplified procedure with the online accreditation form, you must register at the portal
by clicking at the bottom of the page on “Don’t have an account? Register” and entering your data and a password of your choice containing at least eight letters, including at least one capital letter, one number and one symbol (!,?,@ and so on). The following is an example of a secure password: bicZin88@.
- The page that follows the opening registration page will ask you to enter your personal accreditation code (the one sent to you in your confirmation email and used to pay for accreditation). Upon completion of the procedure, the accreditation will be associated with your user profile, after which you may reserve your seat in the screening theatre. On subsequent visits to the portal, the system will automatically recognize your user profile and redirect you to the list of screenings.
- For accredited professionals already registered on the portal for the previous edition (77th Venice Film Festival), after you enter your email and password (be careful to enter the same email address and password you chose for the 77th Venice Film Festival) the portal will redirect you automatically to the page where you must enter your accreditation code to be authorized to make reservations for the current Venice Film Festival. Once you have chosen the screening and completed the procedure to reserve your seat in the theatre, your ticket (in pdf format) will be sent to you by email and may be downloaded at any time from the “My Reservations” area, accessible from the menu at the top right of the portal.
Reservations for the screenings may be made initially (screenings on 1, 2, 3 September) starting 72 hours before the scheduled start of the screening itself and, starting on September 1st (screenings on 4 September and after) starting 74 hours before the scheduled start of the screenings. The reservations will be confirmed based on the eligibility of the user’s type of accreditation.
For the reserved Press/Industry screenings, should any seats remain available, reservations will be opened to other types of accreditation starting 24 hours before the scheduled screening.
- Reservations will be verified before admission to the screening theatre by direct scan of the accreditation pass. You will not be required to display the printed pdf of the reservation. Naturally we recommend that you keep on hand the information detailing the seat row and number you have chosen in the theatre. We remind you that in the “My Reservations” section which may be consulted directly from the portal, you can download your ticket at any time.
- Reservations will also be required for the press conferences, starting 72 hours before the scheduled beginning (74 hours starting September 1st) and must be made on the portal
- Reservations may also be made on mobile smartphones.
- Should you be unable to attend the event you have reserved, you must cancel the reservation, from the “My Reservations” section in the reserved area for accredited visitors on the portal https://labiennale.boxol.it/BiennaleCinemaAccreditati/. There, by clicking on the order number of the reservation you wish to cancel, you will find the details of that order, where you can click on the red “Cancel order?” button, then confirm the operation by clicking “Confirm ticket cancellation”.
- It should be noted that any reserved seats left unused preclude the possibility for other accredited visitors to attend the screenings. In order to avoid a 24-hour suspension of accreditation, which is the sanction applied after 3 absences from reserved screenings, the accredited visitor who cannot attend must always cancel the reservation at least two hours before the start of the screening.
- Accredited persons with disabilities who wish to reserve their seats and, if necessary, those of their accredited companion, can email biglietteria.cinema@labiennale.org between 74 hours before the start of the screening and 6 pm on the day before the date of the screening, indicating the accreditation code of both spectators, the details of the screenings they wish to reserve and possible requirements.
- The programme dedicated to holders of accreditation passes is available on the official website of La Biennale at the section Screening schedule (Pass holders).
- The programme of the Venice VR Expanded section may be experienced in person by accredited visitors at the Festival, in the VR Gallery at the Palazzo del Casinò, Sala Amici. Reservations are required and may be made on the Boxol platform.
Measures for the public with individual tickets or passes
Admission to premises and entrance gates
For safety reasons, admission of the public into the premises of the Venice Film Festival will take place exclusively through controlled entrance gates, where Green Passes will be verified and body temperature will be measured for everyone without exception. For holders of individual tickets or passes – except for minors under the age of 12 and exempted individuals – admission to the premises and theatres of the Venice Film Festival will be allowed only to those who have a Green Pass or equivalent certification and present it to anyone responsible for verifying them.
Should the visitor not have certification or in the case of vaccines not approved by the EMA, he/she should produce the result of a PCR or rapid Covid test taken within 48 hours before admission to the Theatre, proving negativity to Covid-19.
On the premises of the Venice Film Festival, there are mobile units where visitors may reserve and take rapid Covid tests for a fee. Reservations for the test may be made directly on the same platform that sells tickets and passes.
During the verification process, spectators will be asked to show a valid document of identity. Should they be unable to produce the documentation listed above, La Biennale di Venezia will deny admission to the theatres, and no refund will be allowed.
Ticket purchases, theatre seating and rules of behaviour
Tickets and passes will be sold exclusively online, while seats last. Reservations for seats are mandatory. Ticket holders must sit in their assigned seats. The ticket or pass must always be displayed at the entrance to the theatre and the buildings on the premises of the Venice Film Festival, for electronic contact tracing.
Please come to the screenings far enough in advance. Maintain social distancing when queuing, and wear a mask. Social distancing must always be maintained in all the areas outside and inside the buildings.
Masks must be worn in all the buildings and theatres of the Venice Film Festival, and outdoors only in the case of gatherings.
In the theatres, seats are spaced to maintain a physical distance.
In the theatres and in the arena, masks must be worn at all times during screenings.
Please use the hand sanitizers located at the entrance to the screening rooms and in public areas.
In case of a positive Covid-19 test
Should the case arise that a rapid Covid test turns out positive for Covid-19, the subject must isolate at his/her own domicile until a PCR test can be taken, then follow the instructions and protocols of the public health authorities.
La Biennale di Venezia wishes to thank the Regione del Veneto, the health authorities AULSS 3 Serenissima di Venezia for their guidance and support in developing the public health safety procedures, and the Red Cross for their collaboration and support.