From November 11th to 17th, the first International Meeting in Computer Music and Multimedia will be held at the Arsenale in Venice (Sale d’Armi and Teatro Piccolo Arsenale).
This is a cycle of theoretical-practical Masterclasses about the new frontiers in electronic music, created around CIMM, the Center for Computer Music and Multimedia developed by La Biennale di Venezia under the supervision of Ivan Fedele, Director of the Music Department.
From November 11th to 16th, there will be daily lectures open to the public in the morning, and workshops in the afternoon reserved for the composers selected for the Biennale College CIMM. The Meeting will end with a concert on November 17th at the Teatro Piccolo Arsenale (4:30 pm).

First International Meeting in Computer Music and Multimedia
A cycle of Masterclasses to be held at the Arsenale from 11 to 17 November 2019. The Meeting will close with a concert at the Teatro Piccolo Arsenale (November 17th, 4:30 pm).
The first International Meeting in Computer Music and Multimedia
The Meeting will bring to Venice some of the major computer music studios, researchers, composers and artists who will present the new languages of electronics. Motion capture techniques often used in animation films applied to music, smartphones which everyone owns used as a tool for shared creativity, with applications for the collective performance of music or concerts with audience participation, as well as languages for the synthesis of sound, video-mappings activated by the sonic parameters of the compositions themselves, the sound of matter, hyper-instruments based on augmented reality, programmes for mixed music: all studies that are currently underway, or the object of experimentation, to develop the sound of tomorrow, or even more wide-ranging applications.
Talking about their research and experimentation will be: Yann Orlarey from GRAME (Centre national de création musicale in Lyon), Laura Bianchini and Michelangelo Lupone from the CRM (Centro di ricerche musicali in Rome), Frédéric Bevilacqua and Michelle Agnes Magalhaes from IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique in Paris), Alvise Vidolin from SaMPL (Centro di sonologia computazionale in Padua), and finally artist Andrew Quinn and composer Maurilio Cacciatore.
The Closing Concert
The Meeting will end on November 17th at the Teatro Piccolo Arsenale (4:30 pm) with a concert of “music of the future”: instrumental music, electronics, videos, new sounds and new performance techniques come into play in the pieces, two world premieres and two Italian premieres, by Maurilio Cacciatore, Simone Conforti, Ivan Fedele, Michelangelo Lupone. Top-tier performers in the concert include flutist Ayako Okubo, the Paetzold flute specialist Ulrike Mayer-Spohn, tenor and counter tenor Javier Hagen, Enzo Filippetti on the saxophone, as well as with the Windback, Raphaël Siefert for the videos and Andrew Quinn for the sound-reactive visuals.
CIMM – Center for Computer Music and Multimedia
The CIMM – Center for Computer Music and Multimedia is La Biennale di Venezia’s new infrastructure for permanent research and experimentation, for practice and laboratory work at the service of all the artistic Departments of La Biennale, the projects of the Biennale College, and the Historic Archives, the Writing in Residence project and the Biennale Educational. The Center also intends to offer the territory the opportunity for creative and recreational activities within the Center’s own areas of expertise.
CIMM is divided into two hubs: the first at the Teatro del Parco Albanese, Bissuola (Mestre) features a rehearsal studio and a recording studio for local musicians and young people; the second in Venice features two studios in the Sale d’Armi at the Arsenale, designated for artistic research and permanent projects at the service of La Biennale’s exhibitions, festivals and initiatives.
CIMM – Center for Computer Music and Multimedia of La Biennale di Venezia is supported by SIAE - Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori