Workshops of the Biennale Danza 2022
A series of workshops open to the public and aimed at dancers with experience will be held from 23-31 July at Sale d’Armi (Arsenale).
Workshops 2022
The dancers and choreographers of the 16th International Festival of Contemporary Dance (22 > 31 July) will hold a series of workshops open to participants aged 18 and over. The workshops will be addressed to dancers with experience / professional dancers, and will take place on a daily basis throughout the Festival in the Sale d’Armi at Arsenale.
The programme
SATURDAY, JULY 23 10 am > 1 pm, Arsenale – Sale d’Armi G
Studio Wayne McGregor advanced workshop
Studio Wayne McGregor leads a masterclass that gives an insight into Wayne McGregor’s choreography. The class start with a high-energy warm-up followed by teaching of some company choreography and creative tasks that reflect the way Wayne McGregor works in the studio with his dancers.
SUNDAY, JULY 24 10 am > 1 pm, Arsenale – Sale d’Armi G
Ondrej Vidlar (Trajal Harrell’s dance company) advanced workshop
This workshop introduces the work and choreographic world of Trajal Harrell. Long time dancer, collaborator and assistant, Ondrej Vidlar shares methods and performative strategies. Dancers will imagine new possibilities of moving by mixing their personal histories with various styles (butoh, voguing, folk, etc.) and perspectives (pop-culture, gender, fashion, post-modernism, etc.)
MONDAY, JULY 25 10 am > 1 pm, Arsenale – Sale d’Armi G
Diego Tortelli advanced workshop
A broken dance that wants to tell the tragedy and constant innovation of the Body, a dance that does not wait for the passing of time, but that molds it to its satisfaction, speeding up and slowing down the hours, characterized by more rigid and geometric movements, incorporating contortions of the limbs and control of the arms creating with the body geometric shapes moved around its axis progressively to show its dexterity, beauty, distortion and memory.
Guided Impro throw tools that train the connection between brain and body. The capacity of training the body to choose what is next and let go of what was before, by connecting with the memory of it. Dancing and moving throw tools.
TUESDAY, JULY 26 10 am > 1 pm, Arsenale – Sala d’Armi G
Daniel Squire and Jeannie Steele: Cunningham method workshop
This three-hour workshop will comprise one hour of technical practice, one hour of Merce Cunningham repertory phrases and one hour of chance composition workshop, exploring methods utilised by Merce Cunningham in the creation of many of his works. The workshop is for dancers of intermediate and advanced level but prior experience of Cunningham Technique is not required.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 10 am > 1 pm, Arsenale – Sale d’Armi G
Eric Gauthier advanced workshop
Workshop for people with dance experience
Combining a keen sense of quality and humour, Gauthier has a fantastic reputation as a workshop teacher, at any performance level. His philosophy: "For me, workshops are about sharing an experience, not prescribing it. We are all going on this journey together. I want the whole process to be a real challenge, for myself and for the participants. After all, what is more rewarding than collaborating on a new piece of dance?"
A short warm-up for everybody usually serves as a starting point. It helps Gauthier to get a feeling for the actual participants and find out more about their individual backgrounds and interests. Right afterwards, he dives directly into creating. Using short solos and duets as a starting point, Gauthier will link the resulting scenes to form a group work, the conclusion of the three-hour session.
THURSDAY, JULY 28 10 am > 1 pm, Arsenale – Sale d’Armi G
Dalisa Pigram and Rachel Swain (co-directors of Marrugeku) advanced workshop
Marrugeku's co-artistic directors- choreographer and dancer Dalisa Pigram and director and dramaturg Rachael Swain will lead a workshop for dancers, movers and choreographers. The workshop will introduce Marrugeku’s devising approaches drawing on personal and cultural backgrounds to create contemporary movement. We will experiment with techniques to layer and structure movement, ideas, characters and cultural influences. The workshop will draw from the processes Marrugeku used to create Jurrungu Ngan-ga.
Participants should have two to three years of experience in one or more of dance, circus, street forms like parcour or hip hop, traditional or contemporary Indigenous dance, martial arts or other movement based practices. The workshop is also open to actors with some movement experience interested in improvisational movement processes to generate theatre.
FRIDAY, JULY 29 10 am > 1 pm, Arsenale – Sale d’Armi G
Rocío Molina advanced workshop
“Forget about rhythm. Try not to be aware of your bodies. Give up the ground. Lose your muscles. Stop training. Don't obey the music. Don't get attached to anything anymore. Think of being born, that is the essential.”
Beauty is linked to the dullness of origin.
Pascal Quignard
SATURDAY, JULY 30 10 am > 1 pm, Arsenale – Sale d’Armi G
Rudi Cole and Tzu-Yi Tseng (Humanhood Dance Company, UK) advanced workshop
Join HUMANHOOD in the studio for a workshop led by Co-Artistic Director Rudi Cole and Company Dancer Tzu-Yi Tseng. Dancing to the original soundtracks you will get to experience what it is like to move in Humanhood’s works. It is an opportunity to learn different movement sequences and the intention behind them receiving information about the mental application and internal state of the company dancers when performing the work. This is a wonderful opportunity for dancers who are interested in getting to know more about the company's unique movement style.
SUNDAY, JULY 31 10 am > 12 noon, Arsenale – Sale d’Armi G
Kyle Abraham advanced workshop
Classes taught by A.I.M emphasize four of the company’s core movement values: exploration, musicality, abandonment, and intuition. The opening warm-up sequence focuses on the fluidity of the spine, articulation, and core body strengthening; and then builds up to challenging, creative and invigorating phrase work. Students experience a personalized postmodern movement vocabulary full of intricate gestures and signature A.I.M moves.
Application requests are subject to availability; workshops require registration.