China, France / 107’
language Mandarin
cast Wen Qi, Zhou Meijun, Shi Ke, Geng Le, Liu Weiwei, Peng Jing, Wang Yuexin, Li Mengnan
screenplay Vivian Qu
cinematographer Benoit Dervaux
editor Yang Hongyu
production designer Peng Shaoying
costume designer Wang Tao
music Wen Zi
sound Zhang Yang
special effects A Donglin
Vivian Qu - Jia nian hua (Angels Wear White)

In a small seaside town, two schoolgirls are assaulted by a middle-aged man in a motel. Mia, a teenager who was working on reception that night, is the only witness. For fear of losing her job, she says nothing. Meanwhile, 12-year-old Wen, one of the victims, finds that her troubles have only just begun. Trapped in a world that offers them no safety, Mia and Wen will have to find their own way out.
Director’s Statement
This is a story about women. About the society that shapes our perceptions and values. About the choices that are allowed us and the courage to make different ones. About the interchangeable roles of the victim and the bystander. About truth and justice. And above all, about love.
PRODUCTION 1: 22 Hours Films, Ltd.
Beijing – China
PRODUCTION 2: Mandrake Films
10 rue Erard
75012 Paris – France
Tel. +33 143132127
65 rue de Dunkerque
75009 Paris – France
Tel. + 33143132127