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The Italian conservatories student jury prize - Award ceremony

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The Biennale Musica 2024 sees the fourth edition of the Italian Conservatoire Student Jury Prize, which involves students aged under 25 selected by the directors of Italian conservatoires. The students attends the entire Festival under the guidance of Oscar Pizzo, pianist, organiser and scholar in the field of current music writing. The jury awards a prize for the Best Composition and a prize for the Best Performance. The involvement of these young Italian musicians responds to the need to connect with audiences of the new generations, actively involving them in discussions about the current music scene presented by the Biennale Musica through meetings, debates and other face-to-face encounters that will make the Festival a more fertile and forward-looking platform.

Ca’ Giustinian

30124 VENICE
TEL. +39 0415218711

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