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La Biennale di Venezia

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Venice Production Bridge

82nd Venice International Film Festival

La Biennale di Venezia aims to carbon neutrality. This involves reducing and offsetting the emission of carbon dioxide through targeted actions that require the involvement and attention of all Festival participants. We would like to thank you in advance for your collaboration in achieving this ambitious goal, which will be reached through the individual behaviour of each of us.


Venice Production Bridge

Visit the official website

Brochure 2025

Industry Services Form

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Venice Production Bridge

Venice Immersive Market

Meet the Streamers

1. Presentation

The Venice Production Bridge (28 August - 3 September 2025) welcomes film industry professionals, offering the infrastructure and services to support and encourage business activities within the framework of the 82nd Venice International Film Festival.

2. Accreditation

The Venice Production Bridge 2025 provides three kinds of accreditation: Industry Gold, Industry Trade, and Industry Professional. Accreditation is assigned according to the individual professional activity.

Accreditation passes are strictly personal and must be collected in person at the Industry Accreditation desk, presenting the same ID used in the accreditation form, as well as a copy of the registration confirmation.

Online payment will also be available throughout the duration of the Festival. The Accreditation can be paid exclusively with traceable payment systems, such as credit and debit card, also for the purchase at the Accreditation Desk.

2.1 Access
Industry Gold accreditation gives  priority admission to the Press & Industry screenings of the 82nd Venice International Film Festival, the possibility to see all selected films of the Festival, access to the VPB Market Screenings and at the Venice Production Bridge 2025. The accreditation also gives exclusive access to the Industry Gold Club, as well as access the Exhibition Areas at the Excelsior Hotel and at Lazzaretto Vecchio Island, to Final Cut in Venice, to the Venice Gap-Financing Market, to the Book Adaptation Rights Market, to the Venice Immersive Market, to Meet the streamers and to all the services of the Industry Trade accreditation.

Industry Trade accreditation gives subsequent priority admission to the Press & Industry screenings of the 82nd Venice International Film Festival and the possibility to see all selected films. It gives access to the VPB Market Screenings, and at the Venice Production Bridge 2025, and to the Venice Production Bridge 2025 exhibition areas at the Excelsior Hotel and at Lazzaretto Vecchio Island; to Final Cut in Venice, to the Venice Gap-Financing Market, to the Book Adaptation Rights Market, to the Venice Immersive Market, and to the Meet the streamers. The access to the online Industry Guide and company data listed in the online Industry Guide will be guaranteed for registered Industry Gold and Trade users who have paid their accreditation by 18th  August;

Industry Professional accreditation gives access to the Exhibition Areas, the possibility to see all selected films of the 82nd Venice International Film Festival and admission to the Press & Industry screenings.


2.2 Services
Only Industry Gold and Industry Trade accreditation participants are entitled to make use of the Venice Production Bridge services.

The Industry Gold Club in the Excelsior Hotel, reserved to the Industry Gold pass holders, is equipped with an Information desk, free Internet and Wi-Fi access, a quiet and comfortable meeting area, and coffee break organized daily by the Festival; the Exhibition Area is dedicated to the promotional activity of Film Commissions and film industry companies and gathers stalls and a special room for national and international panels.
All accredited production and world sales companies can submit one film or more films to the VPB Market Screenings; all Industry Trade and Gold pass holders are entitled to purchase one or more exhibition stalls in the Exhibition Area, organize conferences, cocktails or round tables to present projects or activities of their company.
Industry Gold and Trade pass holders can access the reserved areas and functions of the Venice Production Bridge website, such as: the booking of one-to-one meetings, the access to the Industry Guide. They also receive all the VPB publications. The Industry Guide and the VPB Programme and Market Screening Schedule available also on the website will be constantly updated until the beginning of the Festival.

2.3 Registration Fees
Early Bird Fee: request by June 4th, 2025
Full Fee: request by July 31st, 2025
Late Fee: request from August 1st, 2025

Industry Gold Accreditation
Early Bird Fee for accreditation requests by June 4th 2025 with online payment by June 11th 2025, 2:30 pm CET, € 300
Full Fee for accreditation requests July 31st  2025 with online payment by August 7th 2025, 2:30 pm CET, € 350
Late Fee for accreditation requests from August 1st 2025, € 450.
Payment available online or at the Accreditation Desk.

Industry Trade Accreditation
Early Bird Fee for accreditation requests by June 4th 2025 with online payment by June 11th 2025, 2:30 pm CET, € 250
Full Fee for accreditation requests by July 31st  2025 with online payment by August 7th 2025, 2:30 pm CET, € 300
Late Fee for accreditation requests from August 1st, € 400.

We kindly inform you that in order to request a Venice Production Bridge services it is mandatory to be a Trade or Gold accreditation holder.

Industry Professional Accreditation
Early Bird Fee for accreditation requests by June 4th 2025 with online payment by June 11th 2025, 2:30 pm CET, € 200
Full Fee for accreditation requests by July 31st   2025 with online payment by August 8th 2025, 2:30 pm CET, € 250
Late Fee for accreditation requests from August 1st 2025, € 350.
Payment available online or at the Accreditation Desk.


Please note that in the case of payment at the Accreditation Desk, only a payment receipt may be issued.

The booking of the 82nd Venice International Film Festival screenings will only be available to pass holders who have paid for their accreditation.

Access to the screening rooms will only be possible by showing your  accreditation and Reservation.

Read more:
Industry Accreditation Regulations

3. Submitting a film to the VPB Market Screenings

3.1 Preliminary Remarks
All Industry Gold and Trade accreditation holders can submit to the VPB Market Screenings films produced starting from January 1st, 2025, respecting the copyright of all interested parties. It is also possible to organize private screenings for selected buyers. The Venice Production Bridge 2025 offers some screening rooms reserved to Industry screenings exclusively. All films must be submitted through the Industry Services Form.
Access to the VPB Market Screenings is reserved to Gold and Trade accreditation pass holders only. Those not in possession of this accreditation will not be allowed access to the screening room whatsoever.

Typologies of available VPB Market Screenings (upon acceptance of the VPB Office):
· PUBLIC screenings: accessible to all Industry Gold and Trade pass holders.
· PRIVATE screenings: accessible to those Industry Gold and Trade pass holders invited by the company in charge. The company must send the list of the accredited professionals that should have access to the screening to the VPB Office one week beforehand. A representative of the company should be at the entrance of the screening room to check in the invited Industry Gold and Trade delegates. As a private screening, the title of the film won’t be mentioned in the VPB Programme and Market Screening Schedule.

3.2 Submission Deadline
The Industry Services Form has to be sent to the Venice Production Bridge no later than July 28th 2025 and the VPB Market Screening Entry Form must be filled in on our website no later than July 31st 2025. Submitted materials will be returned after the Festival only if this has been requested beforehand, by filling in the relevant section of the VPB Market Screenings Entry Form.

3.3 Arrival of Films
Films must arrive to the Print Traffic in DCP format no later than 12 August 2025.
DCPs can be delivered via digital transfer or by physical hard drive.
All shipping costs to and from the Festival location, including custom charges, are  upon the sender of the film.
Films for the VPB Market Screenings must be subtitled in English, except for those in the English language, and must be in DCP format.  Films in 3D are not accepted.

All audio-visual material has to be sent by courier [DHL, FedEx, UPS, etc.], prepaid with a DOOR TO DOOR DELIVERY and delivered by 12 August 2025 directly to the address of the Festival indicating on the parcel ‘copy for VPB Market Screening’:

82. Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica
Palazzo del Cinema, Lungomare Marconi
30126 Lido di Venezia - Italy

Tel. +39 041 2726 527
email: print.traffic@labiennale.org / vpboffice@labiennale.org

The sender must inform the Print Traffic and the Venice Production Bridge by e-mail of the title of the film, the date and means of shipping as well as the AWB number in case of air-freight or courier service. If the sender chooses to send via digital transfer, the Print Traffic will send a link to upload the DCP.

3.4 Costs and Payment
Payment for submitting a film to the VPB Market Screenings must be made in full and in advance by August 6th, 2025. All prices can be found in the Industry Services Form.

3.5 Returns
If the return of the audio-visual material has been requested beforehand, we remind you that the shipping is at the full expense of the sender, as per the instructions in the relevant section of the VPB Market Screenings Entry Form.

3.6 Responsibility
Submitting a film to the VPB Market Screenings is at the full responsibility of the participant, who guarantees to have taken all preliminary measures of a legal and technical nature.
The organization cannot be held responsible for the cancellation of the submission, if the technical information supplied is incorrect. The payment for submitting the film will not be refunded in any case.
The purchase of the VPB Market Screenings service does not give the right to use the logos of the Festival and La Biennale di Venezia.
Promotional material of any kind (posters, flyers, etc.) can’t be displayed inside or outside of the VPB Screening rooms.
The Venice Production Bridge retains the right to cancel the VPB Market Screenings in case of unauthorized use of the logos or inappropriate advertising activity.

3.7 Exclusions
Films produced before 1st January 2025 and films that violate copyright are excluded from the VPB Market Screenings.
The Venice Production Bridge retains the right to refuse films for any reason at its sole discretion, especially films that disturb public order, encourage violence, offend religions, infringe human rights or have pornographic content. The payment for submitting the film will not be refunded in any case.

4. Promotion and publicity

4.1 Promotional Material
Industry Trade and Gold accreditation holders are responsible for transportation costs, custom charges, distribution and all other costs that could be connected with their promotional material.

4.2 Advertising and Meeting Opportunities
The Venice Production Bridge 2025 offers various opportunities to set up promotional events, such as areas to hold cocktails, conferences, round-table talks and meetings. The preferences are subject to availability within the already established general calendar of the 82nd Venice International Film Festival, which may be liable to change. It will also be possible to purchase advertising pages in the online and printed VPB Programme and Market Screening Schedule, Ad Screen Saver on the VPB Live Channel of the VPB website, Ad in the VPB Newsletter, signposting spaces and banners in the Exhibition Areas of the Venice Production Bridge 2025, tables for exclusive use of the company in the Industry Gold Club and slots for trailers shown all day (spot on screen), for the entire duration of the Festival, on TV screens in the Exhibition Areas.
All the materials must be approved by the VPB Office.

4.3 Prices and Payment
The requests of all VPB services must be done through the Industry Services Form that has to be sent to the Venice Production Bridge no later than July 28th 2025. Payment for the use of promotional spaces or any other form of advertisement must be made in full no later than August1st 2025 Prices and procedures to purchase the services can be found in the Industry Services Form (available 3rd February 2025) or in the VPB Booklet.

5. Final points

5.1 General Agreement
Participation in the Venice Production Bridge constitutes acceptance of the  present regulations. The General Manager of La Biennale di Venezia and the Artistic Director of the 82nd   Venice International Film Festival reserve the right to settle all unforeseen cases not included within the present set of regulations. To resolve any dispute, the Italian versions of the present set of regulations and of the general regulations of the 82nd  Venice International Film Festival will be taken as legally binding.

5.2 Infringement
Any breach of the present set of regulations may cause the Organizers to cancel the accreditation pass and to prohibit the participation to the Venice Production Bridge, without offering a refund of the registration fee or of any other fees previously paid.

5.3 Responsibility
The purchase of Industry services does not give the right to use the logos of the Festival and La Biennale di Venezia.
The Venice Production Bridge retains the right to cancel the service in case of unauthorized use of the logos, inappropriate advertising activity or services not paid within the deadlines.

5.4 Costs
All the prices of the VPB services will be available on the VPB website and on the VPB promotional brochure.

Confirming its worldwide uniqueness, the Venice Production Bridge will also include the following initiatives:

The 12th edition of the Venice Gap-Financing Market will take place from August 29th – 31st, 2025, during the 82nd Venice International Film Festival.
The Venice Gap-Financing Market is a platform for selected projects that aims to support European and international producers to secure financing for their projects (Fiction Films, Documentaries and Immersive Projects) through one-to-one meetings with potential and pertinent international professionals (producers, sales agents, distributors, financiers, broadcasters and funds). All the invited professionals are decision-makers.

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The thirteenth edition of the Final Cut in Venice program will take place from August 31 to September 2, 2025 during the Venice Production Bridge of the 82nd Venice International Film Festival (Lido di Venezia, 27 August – 6 September 2025).

The program’s purpose is to provide concrete assistance in the completion of films from Africa and from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and Yemen; and to offer producers and directors an opportunity to present films still in the production phase to international film professionals and distributors in order to facilitate post-production and promote co-production partnerships and market access.

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The 10th edition of the Book Adaptation Rights Market will take place from 29 to 31 August 2025, during the 82nd Venice International Film Festival (August 27 – September 6, 2025).
The Book Adaptation Rights Market will offer up to 30 international publishing houses and literary agencies, plus those invited as part of the VPB FOCUS 2025, a dedicated area to meet the producers registered to the Venice International Film Festival through one-to-one meetings.

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