Lithuania / 16’
language Lithuanian
cast Karolina Kildaite, Kamile Maksvytyte, Mantas Salkauskas, Danas Kavaliauskas, Paulius Markevicius, Jolanta Dapkunaite
screenplay Laurynas Bareiša
cinematographer Narvydas Naujalis
editor Laurynas Bareiša
production designer Sigita Simkunaite
costume designer Fausta Naujale
sound Julius Grigelionis
Laurynas Bareiša - By The Pool

A group of teenagers rent a house with a sauna for a party. Everybody is having a good time: dancing, singing, drinking, talking. The party ends and everybody leaves, but in the morning the housekeepers come to clean the place and in the dressing room they find a girl who is trying to find a button of her ripped up trousers.
Director’s Statement
In By the Pool a tragic event is depicted from the perspective of a group rather than concentrating on a single character personal point-of-view, in order to try and understand how one individual’s tragedy gets drown out by the tumult caused by the group as a whole.