Year / Length: | 2021, 70’ (World premiere) |
Conceived and written by: | Jan Fabre |
Performed by: | Mikhail Baryshnikov |
Film directed by: | Jan Fabre, Phil Griffin |
Music and sound design: | Stef Kamil Carlens |
Dramaturgy: | Miet Martens |
2nd unit director and editor: | Giulio Boato |
Post-production and grading: | Tom Aston |
Voice recordings: | Lorenzo Danesin |
Foley: | Stef Kamil Carlens & Lorenzo Danesin |
Voice and music mastering: | Gilles Martin |
A project by: | Angelos (Antwerp), Jan Fabre / Troubleyn (Antwerp), Baryshnikov Productions (NYC) |
Executive producer: | EdM Productions |
Art installation film in collaboration with: | 17th International Architecture Exhibition |
Jan Fabre & Mikhail Baryshnikov - Not Once

Based on a monologue written by Jan Fabre, NOT ONCE. unveils – through 11 imaginary rooms of a photographic exhibition – the platonic relationship between the subject and a female photographer who, for years, has manipulated his body and reworked it into different entities. The multimedia work is conceived for film and explores the relations between an artist, his work and life, his public, and ultimately, the balance between giving and taking – between dependency and independency.