Year / Length: | 2021, 70’ (World premiere) |
Conceived and written by: | Jan Fabre |
Performed by: | Mikhail Baryshnikov |
Film directed by: | Jan Fabre, Phil Griffin |
Music and sound design: | Stef Kamil Carlens |
Dramaturgy: | Miet Martens |
2nd unit director and editor: | Giulio Boato |
Post-production and grading: | Tom Aston |
Voice recordings: | Lorenzo Danesin |
Foley: | Stef Kamil Carlens & Lorenzo Danesin |
Voice and music mastering: | Gilles Martin |
A project by: | Angelos (Antwerp), Jan Fabre / Troubleyn (Antwerp), Baryshnikov Productions (NYC) |
Executive producer: | EdM Productions |
Art installation film in collaboration with: | 17th International Architecture Exhibition |
Jan Fabre & Mikhail Baryshnikov - Not Once