(2016, 140’ plus an intermission of 20’) Italian premiere
by PeterLicht from Le Misanthrope by Molière
direction Claudia Bauer
with Florian von Manteuffel, Max Rothbart, Simon Zagermann, Liliane Amuat, Mario Fuchs, Elias Eilinghoff, Myriam Schröder, Carina Braunschmidt
set and costume design Patricia Talacko, Dirk Thiele
music and sound Peer Baierlein
lighting design Anton Hoedl
dramaturgy Constanze Kargl
assistant director Katrin Hammerl
music and texts PeterLicht
arrangement Peer Baierlein
masks Elke Hummler, Yara Rapold, Inge Rothaupt, Gaby Sellen, Heike Strasdeit
production Theater Basel
Claudia Bauer - Der Menschen Feind

Author and musician Peter Licht examines the disillusioned Alcesti, the main character in Le Misanthrope, from a social point of view, through the fallacies of language, exploring the distortions of Capitalism and the discovery of self.