fbpx Biennale Teatro 2017 | Livia Ferracchiati - Todi is a small town in the center of Italy
La Biennale di Venezia

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Livia Ferracchiati - Todi is a small town in the center of Italy

(2017, 70’)
written and directed by Livia Ferracchiati
dramaturgy Greta Cappelletti
assistant director Laura Dondi
with Caroline Baglioni, Michele Balducci, Elisa Gabrielli, Stella Piccioni, Ludovico Röhl
stage movement and costumes Laura Dondi
set design Lucia Menegazzo
lighting design Emiliano Austeri
lighting consultant Giacomo Marettelli Priorelli
video Brando Currarini and Ilaria Lazzaroni
production Teatro Stabile dell'Umbria/Terni Festival
artistic residence at Caos in Terni
with the support of Indisciplinarte and Associazione Demetra
in collaboration with The Baby Walk


The performance takes as a case study the director's native town, Todi, and some of its young inhabitants: Michele, Stella, Elisa and Caroline, a small tribe of thirty-year olds with their own rules and rhythms, and a fifth character, a documentary filmmaker who connects fiction and reality. The viewpoint of the filmmaker is a subjective one that records everything Todi brings with it: embarrassment, priggishness, enmities, non-conformism and closed minds, it is the point of view of the "foreigner" who explores the multitude but is later impressed by four like-minded individuals.

Tese dei Soppalchi

30122 VENICE
TEL. +39 0415218711

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Biennale Teatro