Length / Year: | 90’, 2018 |
Conceived and devised by: | El Conde de Torrefiel in collaboration with the performers |
Direction: | Tanya Beyeler, Pablo Gisbert |
Text: | Pablo Gisbert |
Cast: | Gloria March Chulvi, Ion Iraizoz Alonso, Albert Pérez Hidalgo, Nicolas Carbajal, Amaranta Velarde, Mònica Almirall Batet / in Venice: Alessandra Festa, Edoardo Fumagalli, Elisa Michelini, Natalia Di Cosmo, Pierandrea Rosato, Raffaella Menchetti, Valentina Rotta, Angelica Racco |
Stage design: | El Conde de Torrefiel, Blanca Añón |
Costumes: | Blanca Añón and performers |
Technical coordination: | Isaac Torres |
Lighting design: | Ana Rovira |
Sound design: | Rebecca Praga |
Sound technician: | Uriel Ireland |
Stage technician: | Roberto Baldinelli |
Distribution: | Alessandra Simeoni |
Text translations: | Nika Blazer (English), Tanya Beyeler (Italian) |
Thanks to: | Roberto Fratini Serafide, Luisa Guitierrez, Daniel Miracle, Rubén Ramos Nogueira (Teatron), Christiana Galanopoulou, Griffon Dance Studio (Athens), Los Reyes Del Mambo, Laboratorios Festival Surge (Madrid), Teatro Pradillo, Museo Reina Sofía, Hamaca Project Arts Santa Mònica (Barcelona), Fabra i Coats – Fàbrica De Creació de Barcelona |
Production: | Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), El Conde de Torrefiel |
Co-production: | Alkantara & Maria Matos Teatro (Lisbon), Festival d’Automne & Centre Pompidou (Paris), Festival GREC (Barcelona), Festival de Marseille, HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin), Mousonturm Frankfurt am Main, FOG Triennale Milano Performing Arts, Vooruit (Ghent), Wiener Festwochen (Vienna), Black Box Theater (Oslo), Zurcher Thetaerspektakel (Zürich) |
With the support of: | Zinnema (Brussels) , Festival SÂLMON, Mercat de les Flors and El Graner - Centre de Creació, Barcelona, Fabra i Coats, Centre de Creació Barcelona |
El Conde De Torrefiel - La Plaza

Theatre becomes town square, town square becomes theatre. This is La Plaza, the square in any city or any neighbourhood around which the play by the famous Catalan collective El Conde de Torrefiel, applauded in festivals throughout Europe, takes place. Founded in Barcelona in 2010 by Pablo Gisbert and Tanya Beyeler, both of whom had worked in Marcos Morau’s La Veronal company, in the space of ten years El Conde de Torrefiel has become established as one of the leading voices in the renewal of European theatre, mingling choreography, the plastic arts, drama.
On the stage/agorà, Pablo Gisbert and Tanya Beyeler evoke fragments in the lives of a faceless crowd (riders, soldiers, tourists, young people, veiled women, couples, filmmakers), random situations captured as routine when the unexpected suddenly bursts in, events rife with anguish and a violence ready to explode, tracing the outline of our world in conflict. The actions flow as a sequence of tableaux vivants, punctuated by commentary projected against the backdrop of a screen, a stream of consciousness that accompanies them and are addressed to the audience. In a subtle and bewildering overlapping of roles, the audience becomes both an “actor” in the ideal urban journey of a spectator leaving the theatre to go home, and “witness” to the events playing out on the stage.
La Plaza is a “play-landscape” (in the definition of Michel Vinaver), the way in which Pablo Gisbert and Tanya Beyeler respond to the urgency of contending with one’s own time, taking their gaze out of the theatre into the square where life happens. “Civilisation advances frenetically, while reality paradoxically becomes more and more subjective, emotional and impenetrable”.