fbpx Biennale Architettura 2023 | Nordic Countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland) - Indigenous Knowledge in Architecture and Language
La Biennale di Venezia

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Nordic Countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland) - Indigenous Knowledge in Architecture and Language

  • Event at the Nordic Countries Pavilion, with contributions from key members of the Sámi Architecture Dictionary group:
Joar Nango, Elin Haugdal, Harald Gaski, Solveig Joks, Sunniva Skålnes, Lene Antonsen, Ánne Márjá Guttorm Graven, Svein Aamold, Ole Henrik Einejord.

Introduction by Joar Nango and Elin Haugdal
Harald Gaski"My home is in my heart and it migrates with me". On the connection between home, the human heart and the heart of Mother Earth in Sámi tradition
Solveig JoksMeahcci: Living Sámi lands 
Sunniva SkålnesThe Sámi Garden 
Lene AntonsenWhat is the word for my residence? 
Ánne Márjá Guttorm GravenThe Caravan 
Questions/summary (moderated by Svein Aamold)

Huksenvieru sátnegirji (Sámi Dictionary of Architecture) is an interdisciplinary research project and network that is investigating concepts and knowledge of architecture in the Sámi languages. The project is a collaboration between Joar Nago’s Girjegumpi: The Sami Architecture Library and researcher from the UiT – The Arctic University of Norway.
The Sámi concept of architecture is understood as more than the design and construction of buildings and installations. It encompasses perceptions of landscape, climate adaptation, site-specific qualities, social organisation, crafts (duodji), aesthetics, and world views. The project adopts a diachronic perspective and studies architectural concepts of known and unknown origins. Further, it elaborates on the potential meanings of historical and contemporary Sámi architecture. Our main objective is to investigate Sámi concepts of architecture in their broadened senses and to produce a dynamic dictionary in different formats.

Photo credits

Laurian Ghinițoiu (2023)

Giardini della Biennale

30122 VENICE
TEL. +39 0415218711

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