Commissioner: Victorino Mapa Manalo, Chairman National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)
Curators: Sam Domingo and Ar. Choie Y. Funk
Exhibitor: The Architecture Collective - TAC (Bien M. Alvarez, Matthew S. Gan, Ar. Lyle D. La Madrid, and Arnold A. Rañada)
Tripa de Gallina: Guts of Estuary
Estuaries, or the esteros, are the mouth of a river, where freshwater meets saltwater. However, the enormous sludge amassed by the people along Tripa de Gallina (Guts of the Rooster) impedes this conversation. The estuary remains silent. The people are stuck. The experience of the pandemic cries out that this persistent complication is reticular and necessitates a fleshing out. The exhibition offers a diagnosis of the water’s condition and a prognosis of the people’s future in a procedure of modular urban acupuncture. The pavilion inspects the estuary’s guts: a flawed ecology of humans, waters, and dregs. Consisting of bamboo structure, windows, and projections, it welcomes a future assemblage that is in good shape.