fbpx Biennale Danza 2020 | Lisbeth Gruwez / Voetvolk - Lisbeth Gruwez dances Bob Dylan
La Biennale di Venezia

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Lisbeth Gruwez / Voetvolk - Lisbeth Gruwez dances Bob Dylan

Concept and performance:Lisbeth Gruwez, Maarten Van Cauwenberghe
Choreography:Lisbeth Gruwez
Music:Bob Dylan
Lighting design:Harry Cole, Caroline Mathieu
Technical director:Gilles Roosen
Production manager:Anita Boels
Communication:Sam Ecker
Special thanks to:Bart Meuleman, Café Costume, Marie Szersnovicz
Production:Voetvolk vzw
Co-production:Royal Flemish Theatre, Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, Ballet du Nord, TANDEM Arras-Douai, Les Brigittines & Theater Im Pumpenhaus
Supported by:Arts Centre NONA, The Flemish Community and The Flemish Community Commission
Note:Voetvolk is allied to KVS (the Royal Flemish Theatre), kc NONA and the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, and is “artiste associé” of Le Quartz – Scène Nationale de Brest and Theater Freiburg
Diffusion:Key Performance


The epoch-making songs written by Bob Dylan in the 1960s and 1970s led Lisbeth Gruwez to initiate an intimate dialogue with the great minstrel, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016. Maarten van Cauwenberghe plays Dylan’s historic vinyl albums live, openly weaving the threads of unprecedented natural complicities, of listening, gazes, gestures. The life experience alchemically shared in a communion of feelings and perceptions is happily far from any illustrative inclination.

Lisbeth Gruwez

“I look more and more into the possibilities of organic choreography. It has more poetry for me than representational choreography. It’s also a matter of thinking about what you have to do, instead of thinking about what is expected of you. To dare to stand vertical, no matter what”.

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Biennale Danza
Biennale Danza