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La Biennale di Venezia

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Biennale Musica 2020




Accreditation badges for press, radio-television and press attaches are reserved to media professionals who provide the application form satisfying the accreditation requirements. In detail:

  1. a letter of engagement on official headed paper signed by the editor-in-chief of the publication sending the journalist to cover the Dance, Music and Theatre Festivals
  2. the completed accreditation form
  3. a copy of the articles written for the previous DMT Festivals (if they have not already been sent) or three recent articles written by the journalist for his/her first application.

All requested material must be sent in PDF by attaching it to the accreditation form.


The Press Office reserves the right to approve applications sent before the deadline: September 18, 2020.

We cannot guarantee that applications that arrive at our office after that date will be accepted.

Only applications for accreditation with the necessary documentation will be considered.

Requests which have simultaneously been sent to other registration offices asking for other typologies of accreditation will not be taken into consideration.

The accreditation allows journalists to request complementary tickets to performances, which will be issued taking into account the regulations for registration and the limited number of available seats and will be at the full discretion of La Biennale di Venezia.

Tickets are personal and non-transferable.

Press Accreditation gives a discount on tickets of the Festivals to an accompanying person.

Biennale Musica
Biennale Musica