fbpx Biennale Musica 2020 | Quatuor Tana / Neue Vocalsolisten
La Biennale di Venezia

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Quatuor Tana / Neue Vocalsolisten

Raphaël Cendo
Silver Lion award ceremony

followed by:

Raphaël Cendo (1975)
Delocazione for vocal quartet and string quartet (2017, 70’) Italian premiere – commissioned by festival Musica, collectif Tana, Impuls Neue Musik

Texts:Claude Royet-Journoud, Georges Didi-Huberman, Rainer-Maria Rilke, Georges Bataille
Quatuor Tana:violino Antoine Maisonhaute, Ivan Lebrun; viola Julie Michael; cello Jeanne Maisonhaute
Neue Vocalsolisten:soprano Johanna Zimmer; mezzosoprano Truike van der Poel; tenor Martin Nagy; baritone Andreas Fischer
Commissioned by:Festival Musica, Collectif Tana, Impuls Neue Musik
Note:Collectif Tana is supported by the DRAC des Hauts de France as a registered ensemble. It is also supported by SPEDIDAM, SACEM and ADAMI
Publisher:Maison ONA
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Teatro alle Tese

30122 VENICE
TEL. +39 0415218711

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