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Biennale Educational

Early childhood / Primary schools

Biennale Arte 2024

Educational programme from 1 October to 24 November

Preschool and Elementary grades I and II

1 October – 24 November


Starry River
Venue: Arsenale, activity with workshop

The iconic miny’tji drawings by Maymuru-White reflect the yolnu concept of Milŋiyawuy, which represents both the Milŋiyawuy river winding through the country of the Maŋgalili and the heavenly Milky Way. Her paintings on tree bark show tentacular rivers of stars that twist and turn on the surface to convey an immersive vision of the constellation in the night sky.
The workshop brings together travel and space, where imagination mixes with reality in stories, myths and histories of different far-off countries. After a visit to the exhibition, in the workshop the children recreate a travel route represented by the figure of the river, made of pieces that will be used to compose a multitude of possibilities.


The OtherPortrait
Venue: Giardini, activity with workshop

Identity is the starting theme that will be explored by viewing the works in the Exhibition, paying attention to the portraits, to the expressions of emotion, to the ways that human beings are represented. The workshop will combine the themes of the historical Nucleus of the Giardini (Abstractions and Portraits) with the works of native artists.
The children will produce an “OtherPortrait” through the language of abstraction: they will create a portrait using geometric forms, not following rigid patterns but freely assembling the forms on paper, going out of bounds and following irregular lines.
The main goals of the workshop: to introduce the children to indigenous Art and to experiment with the language of abstraction, using the geometric forms in unconventional ways.


Art and Numbers in colour, from 15 – 25 October
Alligator bridge: the tale of the kapewë pukeni myth
Venue: Giardini, activity with workshop

The workshop takes its cue from the splendid mural that covers the façade of the Central Pavilion, painted by the MAHKU collective (Movement of the Huni Kuin Artists). The work tells the story of kapewë pukeni (the alligator-bridge). According to the mythology of the Huni Kuin people, the continents of Asia and America were once connected thanks to an agreement that men had reached with a giant alligator: the animal had offered to carry them on his back in exchange for food.
The workshop is inspired by this story. The activity for the youngest children tells this story through a game to discover the alligator’s favourite food. The older ones can be introduced to the concepts of possible, impossible and certain event. The goal is to create an interdisciplinary workshop in which the children can apply logical thinking in a fun and constructive way.
This workshop is organized in collaboration with Istat – Istituto Nazionale di Statistica.

Elementary school grades III, IV and V

1 October – 24 November


Fragments of Worlds
Venue: Arsenale, activity with workshop

“The Italian term straniero, the Portuguese estrangeiro, the French étranger and the Spanish extranjero are all connected on an etymological level respectively to strano, estranho, étranger and extrano, or to the idea of extraneous”. (Adriano Pedrosa)
Who is a foreigner? Are we foreigners? We can all be foreigners, we have been one or we can become one. In the exhibition the children meet the works of male and female artists from different countries, with different cultures and histories. The workshop offers a reflection on the experience of travel, not only as moving from one country to the next but also as a personal inner journey that makes us who we are. Not just places we visit but experiences we accumulate over time, which add up, enrich us and help us grow: experiences, encounters, emotions layered one over the other.
Drawing inspiration from the works as the steps of a journey, the children build their own personal history made of layers.


Languages in colour
Venue: Giardini, activity with workshop

The work by Claire Fontaine titled Stranieri Ovunque – a phrase translated in the work into more than 50 languages – which gives the title to the exhibition, becomes the cue for a workshop on the role of communication, on language and on translation. Underscoring the many different ways we have of communicating around the world opens up a reflection on the relationship between the language and history that connect to the territory, the culture and the worlds we live in. The workshop will analyse the various types of communication, some used by the artists themselves such as writing, drawing, storytelling, along with others such as fingerspelling, symbols that communicate and symbols that evoke other places or objects. Every artist freely chooses the language with which to best express themselves and assert their own identity; in turn the boys and girls will choose their own means to express themselves: sign language, pictorial communication systems such as CAA or tactile three-dimensional reading and writing systems such as Braille, initiating a search for their own identity through the choice of a language with which to express thoughts and words.

Elementary school grades IV and V

1 October – 24 November


Venue: Giardini
A walking tour of installations and pavilions
We recommend bringing a notebook and pen.

Starting with the suggestions of the Exhibition, our young visitors will experience new situations and stimuli, in which they play at representing themselves in roles different than usual, as they are led through scenarios that bring them into contact with other worlds. The task they are assigned is to create a story inspired by unique characters, with unexpected characteristics, thereby bringing a new story to life.
The class, divided into four groups, acquires the various elements of their story as they go, thanks to the sections of a magic calendar. Once all the elements of the story have been randomly assigned, each group proceeds to write their own adventure based on the characters and the mission presented to them.

Multidisciplinary workshops

Preschool and elementary school classes I, II and III


Art and Music  15-18 October
Venue: Arsenale, activities with workshop

“A sonic journey through colours”
An extraordinary journey through the magical world of colours and musical notes.

Each colour will be the key to open a unique space station, filled with wonderful instruments and fascinating activities. In every station there will be the opportunity to explore, to play, to sing with the music, while discovering all together the incredible possibilities that each sound can offer. As we continue on our journey, we will explore different aspects of music, from rhythm to melodies, and we will learn how each instrument and each voice can contribute to creating something special. At the end of our experience, we will reach an enchanting place where all the colours and sounds will merge into a symphony of harmony and beauty. In this fantastic space, everyone will become part of a great and wonderful orchestra, where the magic of the sounds and colours will transform into an unforgettable performance.


Art and Dance  22 October – 8 November
Venue: Arsenale, activity with workshop

“Journeys in Motion – meeting New Friends”

During the workshop, boys and girls will explore the world through movement. Together, they will imagine that they are traveling to distant places, where everything is new and different. We will use our bodies to tell stories of adventures, encounters with new friends, and how it feels to arrive in a new place. In this special journey, the young participants will become explorers who, with their movements, will discover new places and people. Sometimes they might feel like “foreigners”, like when we are in a new place and have many new things to learn, but we will also learn how to move, dance and make friends, just like real travelers do! Each movement will be a way to discover new things and understand that, even though we are all different, we can have fun together and feel at home wherever we go.

Multidisciplinary workshops

Elementary school classes IV and V


Art and Music  1-11 October
Venue: Arsenale, activity with workshop

“Postcards from the garden of sounds”
The children will be guided through collective listening experiences and sound meditation practices along the International Art Exhibition. The workshop begins with an in-depth presentation of a selection of works on display, stimulating a reflection on the themes of acoustic ecomutuality, that is the balance between external and internal sounds, in which each sound contributes to the overall harmony. To live in syntony with this sonic ecosystem, it is important to pay attention not only to external sounds, but also to one’s own inner sounds, such as thoughts, emotions and feelings. Starting with the sounds that surround us, as we also listen to the sounds of our inner universe and memory, we invite the children to immerse themselves deeply in the composition of the soundscape. We will explore the “garden of sounds”, distinguishing between the involuntary nature of hearing and the voluntary and selective nature of listening, which allows us to cultivate a greater awareness of the sonic environment, both external and internal. Following these sessions, the children will be encouraged and guided, using technological tools to record them, to compose short sound postcards that capture the collective experience of listening-producing a certain acoustic ecosystem.


Art and Dance  22 October – 8 November

“Migrations in Motion”
The workshop “Migrations in Motion” is journey of exploration through the body and space, inspired by the theme of migration. This journey invites participants to immerse themselves in an artistic experience in which movement becomes a universal language to tell stories of displacement, encounter and transformation.
Through a series of guided exercises and improvisations, participants will explore the concepts of travel, uprooting and belonging, translating into gestures and choreographic pieces the emotions involved in leaving a place and finding a new living situation. The workshop encourages personal and collective expression, stimulating creativity and an awareness of the body. This is an opportunity to reflect upon how the experiences of migration, be they physical or emotional, shape our identities and the way we relate to others. Each movement will become a step towards understanding, each choreography a shared story.


The Foreign Body”
The workshop titled “The Foreign Body” is an experience that explores the theme of migration and the condition of feeling like a foreigner, both in a place and within one’s self. Through movement, the participants will give form to the feelings of being uprooted, disoriented, in search of a new identity. In this workshop the concept of “foreigner” is investigated through the body: a body that moves through unfamiliar spaces, that tries to adapt, but carries with it the traces of its past. The participants will be invited to explore the dynamics of meeting the other, of cultural diversity and barriers, both visible and invisible, that separate the self from the surronding world. Through improvisation exercises and choreographic composition, the participants will reflect upon what it means to be a “foreigner” in various contexts: a new land, a different language, an unfamiliar culture, but also in relation to ourselves where we find ourselves in a phase of transition. How do use movement to express the sense of being an outsider? How does the body react and adapt, creating new bonds and finding a new sense of belonging?


Art and Theatre  12-22 November

“Falling everywhere”
Key words: Inclusion, Body Integration, Public Space, Migrations, Re-enactment, the Theatre of Gesture.

The theatre workshop titled “Falling Everywhere” is inspired by the work of the artist in the Exhibition Isaac Chong Wai, who through body movement shares a personal mishap involving public space and community. Building on this inspiration, the class will engage in an activity focused on movement and creating gestures based on the themes of falling and theatrical re-enactment. The students are asked to think of a personal experience of their own involving falling in a public space, and to re-enact the dynamics relying on voice and gesture together with the whole class. This workshop seeks to encourage the class to consider the integration of bodies in public spaces, the concept of community and equality between bodies through practical experimentation.
Sportswear is recommended.


Venue: Arsenale, activity with workshop


Reservations until 30 September 2024:

primary schools

early childhood schools


Reservations from 1 October 2024:

primary schools

early childhood schools

Biennale Arte
Biennale Arte