fbpx Biennale Arte 2024 | Congo (Repubblica Democratica del)
La Biennale di Venezia

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Congo (Repubblica Democratica del)


  • MAR - DOM
    20/04 > 30/09
    11.00 - 19.00
    01/10 > 24/11
    10.00 - 18.00
  • Venezia, Castello 77
  • Ingresso libero

Commissario: Joseph Ibongo Gilungula, Head of Cabinet of the Minister of Culture
Curatore: Gabriele Giuseppe Salmi
Espositori: Aimé Mpane, Eddy Ekete, Steve Bandoma, Jean Katambayi Mukendi, Kongo Astronauts, Cedrick Sungo, Eddy Kamuanga
Sede: IPAB Opere Riunite Buon Pastore, Ex cappella, Castello 77


Invisible: a ritual act of transmigration, of enthronement walks slowly, very slowly over the cobblestones in Venice, a collective act about the restitution of materials so cherished, so coveted on this planet. The Democratic Republic of Congo is always at the heart of the political stakes, and it's acting in Venice. The Biennale Arte 2024 is called Foreigners Everywhere. Invisible Foreigners. A tangible path is created between two point, a slow, very slow trajectory, where the artists mark their positioning in relation to human values, -

Vibranium: The artists are engaged in a process that involves restitution and vital materials for new technologies. The Democratic Republic of Congo is experiencing the paradox of abundance, the process of the immutability of abundance. The metaphor between having and not having, between possessing and dispossessing, the allegory between visible and invisible. It's a strange reality in the DRC to go from nothing to a masterful whole in the same instant.

Visible: A procession of dematerialization starts slowly towards a tangible journey, a collective awareness, a hoped-for culmination towards a material space, a physical space dedicated to the DRC throughout the Biennale Arte 2024, in Venice.


Venezia, Castello 77
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