Gli architetti Sudarshan V. Khadka Jr. e Alexander Eriksson Furunes, curatori del Padiglione Filippine
Rafi Segal, architetto, Associate Professor di Architecture and Urbanism presso MIT; Direttore, SMArchS Urbanism Program; Direttore, MIT Future Urban Collectives
Marisa Morán Jahn, artista/filmmaker, Associate Director di Integrated Design presso Parsons/The New School; 2021-2022 Sundance Fellow; Senior Researcher presso MIT
Koray Caliskan, Economic Sociologist, Associate Director and Associate Professor of Strategic Design and Management, The New School
Arturo Escobar, Design Anthropologist, Professor of Anthropology Emeritus, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Adjunct Professor, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia; autore, Designs for the Pluriverse
An online hybrid closing activity of the Philippine Pavilion and Open Collectives at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia. This virtual gathering celebrates the Philippine Pavilion’s Structures of Mutual Support and the Open Collectives’ Architecture for an Equitable Digital Economy. In both installations in the Arsenale, film, architectural installations, and texts explore the relationship between the solidarity economy, art, and architecture. On the one hand, art and architecture forge new cultural imaginaries, vocabularies, and civic structures to enable mutualist groups to flourish and gain visibility. On the other hand, the co-creative process galvanizes its participants, inciting new imaginative futures. This activity brings together leading thinkers and practitioners whose international perspectives bring the intersection between art, architecture, and mutualism to the fore.
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Mutualism in Art and Architecture is a project of the Philippine Pavilion in partnership with MIT Future Urban Collectives with the support of The New School and Studio REV-.
Sede: Padiglione Filippine